Example sentences of "only be [verb] if [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It represents a tremendous opportunity and challenge , but these will only be obtained if the development of organisational change and information systems is properly integrated and managed .
2 An employment visa ( munkavallaloi vizum ) , which could only be obtained if the foreigner had a work permit , was also introduced .
3 Since a complete understanding of developmental mechanisms can only be obtained if the sequence and timing of events is known , methods for obtaining synchronized embryos and their constituent blastomeres have to be developed .
4 This circuit is not designed to produce precise daily timings and maximum repeat accuracy will only be obtained if the temperature of the unit is kept reasonably constant .
5 Alcoholic drinks should only be given if the doctor allows it , and the patient must not be allowed to drink excessive amounts of alcohol .
6 Consent to the application of the concession will only be given if an undertaking is given by the grantor of the schemes to notify the Revenue of any changes of ownership or control of : the grantor , the other company which jointly controls the companies concerned with the grantor , the JOC , and any other company to which the group scheme is extended by the concession .
7 This form of control could only be exercised if the defect existed on the face of the record .
8 In one case an immigrant who was present in Britain was denied judicial review of a decision not to give him leave to enter the country because of the existence of a right of appeal which could only be exercised if the immigrant left Britain .
9 Such freedom can only be exercised if the manager has the full authority to make decisions , without the need to ask a boss for approval , and without the chance that a boss might step in and alter or reverse the subordinate 's decisions .
10 Now , the stability of a social formation can only be maintained if no class with any means of imposing its interest is pushed to the point of revolt .
11 Equilibrium against collapse can only be maintained if the number of electrons ( and hence nucleons ) is less than .
12 In these schemes , a widow 's or widower 's pension can only be achieved if the member gives up part of their own retirement pension .
13 This will only be achieved if the approver 's Name/Password are valid and if that user is not already logged into LIFESPAN ( either interactively , or via PI or PMR ) .
14 The trade should only be stopped if the public found out about it , recommended a Foreign Office document obtained by TODAY .
15 National income and employment will only be affected if the fall in the rate of interest causes a rise in investment and , possibly , consumption .
16 It would only be prevented if the Home Office intervened . ’
17 The application failed , as the decision could only be challenged if the decision was thoroughly unreasonable .
18 The defence of " fair comment " may only be sustained if the comment is on a matter of public interest .
19 In addition GDR citizenship would only be lost if a citizen renounced it .
20 The achievement of such a skill by a pupil in response to this question could only be recorded if the method was known .
21 Even here , unless the purchaser was expressly authorised to contract for the principal , such a contract can only be ratified if the purchaser , at the time of making the contract , professed to contract on the principal 's behalf .
22 A major limitation is that , generally , an injunction will only be granted if the employer was in fact willing to continue with the contract , ie where the real problem was the prospect of unwelcome interference in the contract by a third party .
23 Leave will only be granted if the appeal involves a point of law of general public importance .
24 The Official Solicitor should only be appointed if the child does not have a guardian ad litem and there are exceptional circumstances which make this desirable in the interests of the child 's welfare ( Lord Chancellor 's Direction , 7 October 1991 ) .
25 The ballistic expert 's evidence was that the defendant 's gun was fitted with a hammer block safety mechanism , which was in proper working order , so that it could only be fired if the trigger was fully pressed back .
26 However , in some cases fixed costs are avoidable ; that is they will only be incurred if an opportunity is accepted .
27 It is probably too intrusive even to unconditionally ask the subject searcher to provide relevance information , and we believe that relevance judgements should only be requested if the system can detect that the user is either in trouble or being fairly persistent .
28 The House of Lords in Smith approved the decision in Gillespie on its facts , but indicated that generally negligence liability will only be excluded if the contract uses the word " negligence " or some synonym for it .
29 It will only be ordered if the purchaser and vendor are capable of being returned to the position they were in before the sale agreement was executed .
30 A qualification that security need only be provided if the landlord reasonably so requires would be inadequate having regard to the non-immunity from failure of 'solid " commercial tenants in periods of recession .
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