Example sentences of "just [vb base] [adv prt] [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I find I can easily put things into perspective , see both sides of an issue , if I just sit around for a while and I probably do that for half an hour a day .
2 Two-thirds of my male friends have got married , and the rest of us just sit around in the pub all weekend .
3 To actually just sit back on the hands , as the government are doing , is not a policy , it 's an abdication of responsibility .
4 Right , just sit down for a minute and let's , Michael read his first .
5 If I just nip round to the drawings I 'll just give you an indication of of what exactly we 're , we 're doing .
6 Just nip round to the supermarket now and stock up on the latest in buffet catering .
7 " Just nip down to the dining room and put the tiniest whisky , only up to here , " she held three of Nicandra 's fingers against the glass , rolling empty on the eiderdown " very nice , too .
8 Oh I do n't see why you just sleep out in the garden or something
9 And when in Rome … just send out for a takeaway .
10 If we just press on with the rehearsal , it 'll come . ’
11 I wish I could remember the words , but I 've forgot them so I just hum along with the tune .
12 I was just let off for an afternoon to sit my first year Sociology exam and then I came into the hospital that was to be my home for the next three years .
13 Just ease up on the drama .
14 they , they do n't know just walk around in the warehouse , they are
15 Though what you should do is , is , just walk up to the ball , that line through there .
16 So nothing to do with pets really , just put up with the hope or you can always take yourself with you miaow spreading the .
17 Oh I want that some if all the social services just put in with the thing having
18 Just drop in for a cup of tea ,
19 Just watch out for the dress and do n't get it damaged . ’
20 Just watch out for the gateposts — topped by lions . ’
21 Labour , he said , would fight for more cash to run social services , not just lie down like the Tories and accept what they were given .
22 You know just look up in the dictionary
23 We just tie up to the Kilcharran , that 's all . ’
24 " Now , you just jump back under the covers , and I 'll sit myself here .
25 ‘ I made excuses , said I thought he 'd be too busy and so on , so she said , ‘ Well , just pop round for a drink then . ’
26 dad , dad did n't say nothing about all evening just pop in for an hour , but I could n't see Stuey and me sitting there disturb him , scared
27 Most of the guests on his show live next door — they just pop in on the way home from work .
28 if you just hit the start stop button and just hang on to the phone it 'll come through
29 I think you expect me to spell everything out , oh , just hang on for a moment will you Barbara , fine .
30 And er I mean th the o the question you would use for , for this one is tell me , what are your thou what is it , what are your thoughts on pensions , you know , what are your thoughts on retirement , how do you feel about it just open up for the guy to say it 's very important or I 'm not interested , oh that 's interesting why do you say that .
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