Example sentences of "only by the [adj] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 So is soft touch detection a dead art — doomed , like the buffalo , to guest appearances in Kevin Kostner movies — condemned to historical interest only by the unrelenting march of graded lists and guidebook waymarks ?
2 His presence in the pitch darkness was marked only by the dull glow of a cigarette , its red tip pulsing into light every few moments to reveal the black pencil of the Colonel 's moustache as he sat , immobile behind his desk , reflecting on the previous day 's visitor .
3 Wives and mothers of British seamen were reported as incensed , not only by the low pay of their menfolk , but also by the medical examination to which they were subjected on signing on , " mauled about and handled as though they were a piece of New Zealand mutton " .
4 Their ranks were swelled not only by the general growth of the economy and steady expansion of secondary and higher education but also by the rapid development of services run under the aegis of the zemstvos and staffed by the so-called ‘ third element ’ — teachers , doctors , statisticians , veterinary surgeons , and agricultural experts of various kinds .
5 Americans were bothered not only by the Baltic crackdown in January but by the Soviet reaction to American complaints about it .
6 His feelings of inferiority were compounded only by the vague sense of unease that his careerism and social mobility had possibly been misguided from the outset .
7 ’ It was the soft-shoe théâtre noir for prime time television , broken only by the agitated voice of an American security guard wearing a blue T-shirt yelling : ‘ Come on .
8 Their ascendancy was ended only by the resolute action of the young Edward III himself , in a coup which restored the authority of the monarchy and freed the king from domination by faction .
9 By permutations of these various incidents the number of possible classes is limited only by the total number of shares .
10 Since it is setting out to achieve what it is not possible to achieve , uniformity ( always dangerous ) will be maintained only by the serious erosion of individual freedom .
11 This was a genuine and reasonable cause for concern at a time when the peace of the Onny valley was not disturbed by the frequent and fast motor traffic of today , but only by the infrequent passage of a Bishop 's Castle Railway train .
12 There was a sudden , yawning silence broken only by the slight hiss of oxygen to the mask over Mrs Thompson 's face .
13 The declining historical significance of nationalism is today concealed not only by the visible spread of ethnic/linguistic agitations , but also by the semantic illusion which derives from the fact that all states are today officially ‘ nations ’ , though many of them patently have nothing in common with what the term ‘ nation-state ’ is commonly held to mean ; that therefore all movements seeking to win independence think of themselves as establishing nations even when they are patently not doing so ; and that centralisation and state bureaucracy will , if they possibly can , put on the fashionable national costume .
14 Indeed in one melee outside the gates Richard was thrown from his horse and rescued only by the strong arm of a sturdy butcher .
15 There was a silence , broken only by the faint lapping of the water .
16 There was silence for a moment as they held each other 's eyes , broken only by the faint sound of dance music from down below .
17 His view was that the breaking down of large organizations was delayed only by the political power of European governments and workers ' movements .
18 One of the principal features of the renaissance of the twelfth century was a great increase in historiography , stimulated not only by the Norman conquest of England but also by the crusades and the rise of the north Italian communes , or city-states .
19 I , I mean it 's only by the good will of the police that we can get down there and that , , this is , this is my concern Mr Chairman , in , in theory what I would like , if there was a serious emergency , you 'd get a senior officer in here straight away , and I mean he would negate to the police , we have no authority over them , only cooperate with the police .
20 They suggested that the likelihood of an OR might be determined not only by the specific state of habituation of the target stimulus but also by the extent to which the context is generally arousing ( cf. the dual-process theory of Groves and Thompson 1970 ) .
21 In the loggia there was a hushed stillness , broken only by the rampant colour of geraniums pouring through columns from the courtyard beyond .
22 So deathly quiet , the eerie stillness broken only by the gentle snoring of the man beside her .
23 About them the world seemed to stand still , the silence broken only by the gentle rustling of the leaves in the branches above their heads .
24 Merleau-ponty had accused the existentialist Sartre of denying history and trying to hold everything together instead ‘ only by the hopeless heroism of the I ’ .
25 The men paused in their tracks , locating the sound , and within seconds we were hurrying back to a place that we 'd passed where the sheer slope of the mountain was broken only by the deep rift of a water-course .
26 In the early 1960s the American containment ring around the Soviet bloc had been seriously breached only by the Soviet acquisition of military facilities in Cuba .
27 The triggers for Britain 's nuclear bombs were tested within their thick concrete walls and they housed the first experiments into radar.The buildings , on a remote spit of land on the Suffolk coast , may not be the oldest but they are certainly among the most historic and sinister in the ownership of the National Trust.They are on Orford Ness , a desolate wildlife haven , which has become the Trust 's latest acquisition at a cost of £3.5 million.Yesterday , in pouring rain and silence broken only by the eerie shriek of gulls , the buildings were shown to journalists for what is thought to be the first time since they were erected.Strands of barbed wire and a Ministry of Defence ‘ keep out ’ notice are now the only remaining evidence of the tight security , overseen by armed guards , which surrounded one of Britain 's most secret research establishments .
28 Yet another victim , no doubt , of this Government 's crippling monetary policies , policies which have been driving this country to economic ruin for the past 13 years , and which can be alleviated only by the immediate election of a Labour government .
29 Compensation theory argues that the level of employment in the economy is , in the long run , determined only by the overall level of demand in the economy .
30 The work finished , the dead buried and the site cleared , Batty Green reverted to a sullen silence broken now only by the occasional passage of trains , the rhythmic pulse of their wheels seeming to sound a requiem for those who perished .
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