Example sentences of "only be [verb] with [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 This trend has only been strengthened with the enfranchisement of spending power in modern industrial societies .
2 In the area of taxation it had been established by the time of Edward I that direct taxes could only be levied with the consent of Parliament .
3 Since the condition often occurs in the secondary-school years , the young person may not only be faced with the trauma of the diagnosis and the confusion of being still able to see clearly in some situations and not at all in others , but there may also have to be a decision to transfer the medium of communication from print to braille , all this taking place in the years leading up to important examinations .
4 Nevertheless , if one plots unemployment against data showing the acceleration or deceleration of price inflation then a trade-off does re-emerge , which is consistent with a monetarist view of the economy ; lower levels of unemployment which are below the natural , market-determined , rate can only be achieved with the consequence of an acceleration of the rate of inflation .
5 A case may only be transferred with the consent of the receiving court .
6 He declared on television that " Poland 's painful but necessary programme of getting out of economic catastrophe can only be realized with the understanding of the majority of the nation " and that " the country had made its choice " .
7 Such an application can only be made with the leave of the court , and the court may only grant leave if it is satisfied , inter alia , that ‘ there is reasonable cause to believe that if the court 's inherent jurisdiction is not exercised with respect to the child he is likely to suffer significant harm : ’ see section 100(3) and ( 4 ) ( b ) .
8 A family assistance order can only be made with the consent of the adults concerned .
9 A minus point is that the oil-filter cap can only be reached with the covers off .
10 The proportion of local authority expenditure supported by grants has been reduced to a figure Layfield thought could only be reached with the aid of LIT ( Layfield 1976 : 184 ) .
11 Nature 's secrets can only be revealed with the aid of ingenious and penetrating theories .
12 This can only be done with the parents ' help .
13 Shifting between the gears in these two lower ratios can only be done with the tractor at a standstill , so it does n't matter that they are unsynchronised .
14 They are so small that they can only be seen with a microscope .
15 Towards the end of this phase bronchitis develops , characterised by mucus containing immature lungworms in the airways , which may only be seen with the aid of a low-power microscope , and by cellular infiltration of the epithelium .
16 They could only be killed with a spear through one small spot on their back , or in their mouth , that was not protected by scales .
17 Salvation could only be sought with a leader who possessed personal power and was prepared to take personal responsibility , sweeping away the causes of the misery and the faceless politicians and bureaucrats who prevail over it , and seeming to impose his own personal power upon the force of history itself .
18 Once filed an application can only be withdrawn with the leave of the court ( FPCR , r5(1) ; FPR , r4.5(1) ) .
19 For firmness of purpose , surely , can only be associated with the missionary attachment to first principles which he has been energetically abandoning .
20 Since stray cat populations can only be dosed with the birth pill via their food , there is always the chance that certain cats will avoid the treated meals provided for them and scavenge or catch prey for themselves .
21 But no compulsion can secure that it will proceed along those lines … it can only be supplied with the knowledge and training which may guide it to seek its own solution in the better state with higher ideals .
22 Looked at more closely still the dissolved athlete would become even more inscrutable than usual and could only be described with a set of equations which guessed where his component particles might be .
23 It is important that the grounds of appeal are full because any omission can only be cured with the leave of the Court of Appeal .
24 Fuel : the cartridge attachment method means the burner unit may only be used with the Camping Gaz 470 propane/butane mix gas cartridge .
25 Please note the Direct Debit may only be used with the Covenant .
26 The guidelines say electronic tagging should only be used with the consent of residents or a proxy .
27 It also formalized British acceptance of the Thor missiles and the agreement that they would only be used with the sanction of both governments .
28 In such conditions some of the turbine blades would glow at a dull red heat , and this represented the practical limit for ferritic steel : higher temperatures could only be attained with the use of special ( austenitic ) steels , which were in short supply in Britain at the time .
29 For the purchaser , it is important to consider whether as a result of the assignment the purchaser will be able to enforce the benefit of the contract directly against the supplier or whether such benefit can only be enforced with the co-operation of the vendor .
30 A pressed flower card can not only be enjoyed with the others but can then be framed and hung as a picture ( see pp. 130–1 ) .
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