Example sentences of "only be [verb] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The American critic W. Stephen Bush reflected on how the poor and lowly had only been tolerated in the theatre and all too often forced up into the gallery , but the movies had ‘ emancipated the gallery ’ and had ‘ wiped out for ever the odium and ridicule ’ that had always been shown towards its clientele .
2 Indeed , in extreme cases , it may be sensible to organise some form of help even before the nursing expert reports to avoid the argument that such help has only been obtained on the expert 's advice .
3 One thing was clear : he had certainly meant to kill him , and had only been stopped by the officer 's determined and intelligent fighting .
4 This trend has only been strengthened with the enfranchisement of spending power in modern industrial societies .
5 In education , the liberal optimism of the 1985 Swann Report has not only been punctured by the policies of Conservative governments and by the ideological counter-offensive of the New Right .
6 This species has only been recorded from the Bay of Biscay at a depth of 1226 m .
7 Ophiolebes retecta has only been recorded from the Bay of Biscay at depths of 1410–2282 m .
8 O. aristata has only been recorded from the north-east Atlantic : from the Canary Islands north to SW .
9 There have once again been reception problems with the radio signalling and sometimes the token has only been received in the back cab .
10 Our interpretation is that gas-phase HNO 3 has by that time been sequestered in the condensed phase by heterogeneous reactions on polar stratospheric cloud surfaces , forming nitric acid trihydrate as temperatures fell below 196K in winter It is probable that a substantial fraction of nitric acid has not only been lost from the gas phase , but also removed from the stratosphere by the growth and subsequent sedimentation of aerosol particles .
11 Jack Hassard , an NILP member of Dungannon Council , condemned the ban on the Market Square meeting , which had only been notified by the police at twelve o'clock the previous night .
12 It is true that it has only been considered in the context of people of opposite sex ; but that may be primarily because its materialist aspect was developed to regulate the consequences of such unions .
13 However , Lanovoi , a proponent of radical economic reform , claimed that he had only been brought into the Cabinet four months previously [ see p. 38828 ] " to create an impression that renovation was under way " .
14 Praising Webster for his " integrity , effectiveness , and insight " , Bush stated that he had only been informed of the development on May 7 .
15 If the story of Edmund 's connection with Swegen 's death does date from Cnut 's time , it is interesting , and seems to hint at one of the most resented aspects of Danish rule , that Edmund , like Ælfheah , had not only been martyred by the Danes , he had also refused to give them money .
16 This has only been accentuated in the course of social evolution .
17 Time and its buried hoard , however , had only been waiting in the wings , and it was now that the priest was discovering just how perfidious Time could be .
18 This is not proof , of course , that there was no reasonable expectation of trouble ; the late announcement of the ban , however , gave credence to the assumption that it had only been prompted by the Apprentice Boys march , and that the Government , as in Dungannon , was allowing a loyalist organisation to manipulate the situation so that an opposition demonstration would be banned .
19 Since March 1985 a full written decision has only been provided at the request of either party .
20 These compensatory orders can only be obtained against the contravener who , for section 6 purposes , has been carrying on the unauthorised investment business , or who , for section 61 purposes , has contravened one or other of the statutory provisions referred to in section 61(1) ( a ) .
21 Bookings can only be accepted on the payment of a non refundable non transferrable deposit of £5 per person .
22 The competition is open to readers of 'Small Gardens ' and entries will only be accepted on the entry coupon provided .
23 The same reasoning does not apply where the money is sent by a stranger , in which case it can only be accepted on the terms upon which it is sent .
24 Appeals can only be accepted outside the time limit if there are ‘ special reasons ’ for the delay and the case law on these is not particularly generous to claimants .
25 ( 3 ) Such restrictions as are accepted may only be accepted by the vendors , their associated companies or by individuals .
26 The efficiency of government could only be increased at the expense of its popularity ; the more corrupt and less efficient the government , the more acceptable it was to creole merchants and landowners .
27 While welcoming in principle the SIB 's recent proposals for simplification of the rules , Mr Bell said : ‘ Any changes , no matter how desirable , must however be implemented sensibly in order not to increase unnecessarily the already considerable costs of the regime , which in our case can only be borne by the policy holders . ’
28 These principles remain important because of the narrow scope and possible inapplicability of ss.61 and 62 of the FSA , which may only be invoked in the context of investment business and on condition that a rule against insider dealing has been adopted by the SIB , an SRO , or an RPB .
29 The European Council considers that the presidency 's draft forms the basis for the continuation of negotiations … on the understanding that final agreement by the member states will only be given to the treaty as a whole .
30 1 Gifts or free samples should only be given to the media for sampling purposes , to draw attention to a new , changed or ongoing product , or to say " thank you " .
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