Example sentences of "only a [noun sg] [prep] its [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 With just 12 tied houses , only a fraction of its output was being sold .
2 But because of a contract signed by Darlington Borough Council and the hotel 's former leaseholders in 1974 , the rent paid by the company running it is only a fraction of its market value .
3 It is pursuing the Comex with an offer of $10m ( still only a fraction of its book value ) .
4 This year America 's deficit and Germany 's surplus are forecast to be less than half as big , as a percentage of GNP , as they were at their peak ; Japan 's surplus may be only a quarter of its peak level .
5 Is the Minister aware that 18 schools in the Cleveland authority area were built before 1914 and that in the current financial year Cleveland has received only a quarter of its capital allocation ?
6 So immediately after launching the competition , Hall was having second thoughts about it , and on 28th March , only a fortnight after its inception , wrote an extraordinary letter to the Treasury , killing it off completely .
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