Example sentences of "only [be] [verb] on the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Bookings can only be accepted on the payment of a non refundable non transferrable deposit of £5 per person .
2 The competition is open to readers of 'Small Gardens ' and entries will only be accepted on the entry coupon provided .
3 The same reasoning does not apply where the money is sent by a stranger , in which case it can only be accepted on the terms upon which it is sent .
4 Rather there is an essential assumption of that basic face-to-face conversational context in which all humans acquire language , or as Lyons ( 1977a : 637-8 ) has put it rather more precisely : The grammaticalization and lexicalization of deixis is best understood in relation to what may be termed the canonical situation of utterance : this involves one-one , or one-many , signalling in the phonic medium along the vocal-auditory channel , with all the participants present in the same actual situation able to see one another and to perceive the associated non-vocal paralinguistic features of their utterances , and each assuming the role of sender and receiver in turn There is much in the structure of languages that can only be explained on the assumption that they have developed for communication in face-to-face interaction .
5 Another distinction is between so called European type options which can only be exercised on the settlement day , and American type options which can be exercised at any time up to and including the settlement day .
6 It was argued in that case that the taxpayer , however , could only be assessed on the income ( the gross income ) to the extent that he had power to enjoy it .
7 in the case of Dahl 's study of New Haven , the power of the mayor can only be assessed on the basis of his own particular preferences for urban development and how he managed to secure these preferences in the decision-making process .
8 This decision can only be based on the spacing between the sites chosen rather than the importance of the sites themselves , ignoring even the cross-routes .
9 The plaintiff asked for the whole of the profits on the brassieres but the defendant said that the account of profits should only be based on the profit resulting from the wrongful use of the confidential information ; that is , the profit relating to the parts of the brassieres incorporating the confidential information .
10 An increase in the pension , though , may well only be based on the amount you have left .
11 Draw up a timetable — some recipes can be cooked and frozen weeks in advance while others can be prepared a day beforehand ; some dishes can only be made on the day .
12 It also means that the real value of the redemption payment will vary according to the rate of inflation during the last eight months ' life of a bond and so calculations of real yields to redemption can only be made on the basis of assumed rates of inflation .
13 This approach can only be created on the basis of managerial trust in the professional skills and attitudes of teachers .
14 The crucial difference in cricket is that the consulting process can only be conducted on the field
15 So at the end of the day it must be for the courts to decide how to classify particular functions , and this can only be done on the basis of some normative judgment about the desirable scope of judicial review .
16 Today it is possible to experience places and events which even thirty years ago could only be seen on the pages of geography textbooks .
17 Rehearsal time for the cast would be limited , just a few days together in a church hall with sticky tape on the floor and a few odd props to suggest sets that will only be seen on the Friday .
18 But the pure Marxism-Leninism of Albania 's then president , the late Enver Hoxha , decreed that shorts could only be worn on the beach .
19 Regarded in systems terms , programmed instruction can not be an isolated continuously developing activity because it depends on the skills of the programme writer and these skills can only be developed on the basis of experience in the classroom .
20 As de Gaulle wanted , this should only be developed on the basis of unanimous agreements , with a new Commission being created in Paris , made up of national civil servants , not officials loyal to European institutions .
21 The truth with which faith deals is of the highest and most ultimate kind , and faith itself is a ‘ leap ’ and a ‘ passion ’ , a leap into the truth that can only be grasped on the road of authentic commitment .
22 We realise that political instability is tearing our continent apart and that everlasting peace , which is a condition for development , can only be founded on the enjoyment of , and observance and respect for , human rights .
23 Everlasting peace can only be founded on the observance of , and respect for , human rights , ’ the participants declared .
24 Music can only be judged on the basis of an attentiveness to its musical essence as sensitive and discriminating as possible .
25 Out of these minute indications , which can only be put on the page as a result of a firmly held original image , comes that necessary close sympathy .
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