Example sentences of "only [be] [verb] [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 These compensatory orders can only be obtained against the contravener who , for section 6 purposes , has been carrying on the unauthorised investment business , or who , for section 61 purposes , has contravened one or other of the statutory provisions referred to in section 61(1) ( a ) .
2 Bookings can only be accepted on the payment of a non refundable non transferrable deposit of £5 per person .
3 The competition is open to readers of 'Small Gardens ' and entries will only be accepted on the entry coupon provided .
4 Appeals can only be accepted outside the time limit if there are ‘ special reasons ’ for the delay and the case law on these is not particularly generous to claimants .
5 The efficiency of government could only be increased at the expense of its popularity ; the more corrupt and less efficient the government , the more acceptable it was to creole merchants and landowners .
6 While welcoming in principle the SIB 's recent proposals for simplification of the rules , Mr Bell said : ‘ Any changes , no matter how desirable , must however be implemented sensibly in order not to increase unnecessarily the already considerable costs of the regime , which in our case can only be borne by the policy holders . ’
7 These principles remain important because of the narrow scope and possible inapplicability of ss.61 and 62 of the FSA , which may only be invoked in the context of investment business and on condition that a rule against insider dealing has been adopted by the SIB , an SRO , or an RPB .
8 The European Council considers that the presidency 's draft forms the basis for the continuation of negotiations … on the understanding that final agreement by the member states will only be given to the treaty as a whole .
9 An answer can only be given in the kind of perspective which the processes of East-West reconciliation and arms control may , in any case , create : a perspective in which the strategic factors progressively diminish in importance , until the 19 Soviet divisions now stationed in the GDR have no more significance than a knight or bishop stranded on a square of a chessboard which no longer figures in the game .
10 In everyday language , this means that the blood loss is so tiny , it can only be detected in the baby 's faeces via a special test .
11 They can only be exerted within the body of water so the outermost molecules are drawn inwards away from the surface .
12 In the area of taxation it had been established by the time of Edward I that direct taxes could only be levied with the consent of Parliament .
13 Binary signals can only be transmitted as the equivalent to ‘ on-off ’ , ‘ yes-no ’ and ‘ 0–1 ’ , for example .
14 Although it may be beneficial to address this point at this stage rather than leave it to the flotation , the alternative argument is that such matters can only be decided at the time of flotation when the parties are better able to assess what is commercially necessary to achieve an optimum result .
15 Note that to retain protection , the transfer , etc , must be lodged for registration within the period of protection ; in the case of unregistered land the transaction need only be completed within the period of priority given by your search in the Land Charges Register .
16 As the people of Uganda retained strong local loyalties , the arrangements could only be replaced by the type of authoritarian regime which Obote now introduced .
17 Rather there is an essential assumption of that basic face-to-face conversational context in which all humans acquire language , or as Lyons ( 1977a : 637-8 ) has put it rather more precisely : The grammaticalization and lexicalization of deixis is best understood in relation to what may be termed the canonical situation of utterance : this involves one-one , or one-many , signalling in the phonic medium along the vocal-auditory channel , with all the participants present in the same actual situation able to see one another and to perceive the associated non-vocal paralinguistic features of their utterances , and each assuming the role of sender and receiver in turn There is much in the structure of languages that can only be explained on the assumption that they have developed for communication in face-to-face interaction .
18 Since the condition often occurs in the secondary-school years , the young person may not only be faced with the trauma of the diagnosis and the confusion of being still able to see clearly in some situations and not at all in others , but there may also have to be a decision to transfer the medium of communication from print to braille , all this taking place in the years leading up to important examinations .
19 Another distinction is between so called European type options which can only be exercised on the settlement day , and American type options which can be exercised at any time up to and including the settlement day .
20 Paragraphs ( a ) and ( b ) provide a power to rectify that can only be exercised by the court .
21 But he has submitted that non-litigation costs are not subject to taxation and can only be quantified by the taking of an account , with or without supplementary inquiries .
22 Under the RSC ( Amendment No 4 ) Order 1989 which amends Ord 6 , r8 , writs issued on or after 4 June 1990 may only be renewed by the court for a maximum of four months at any one time , unless the court is satisfied that it may not be possible , despite all reasonable efforts , to serve the writ within four months , in which case renewal of up to 12 months may be ordered .
23 If this causes difficulties for some , Foucault 's scepticism with regard to the tendency to inflate the effect of individual agency can only be compared to the position of many Marxisms in which resistance and revolution are hardly the privilege of the individual as such , but rather of collective class action .
24 The plaintiffs sought a declaration that the tenancy could only be determined upon the land being required for road widening .
25 In those circumstances treatment can only be justified by the principle of necessity , as stated by Lord Goff of Chieveley in In re F. ( Mental Patient : Sterilisation ) [ 1990 ] 2 A.C. 1 , 75–76 :
26 But the seven fifteenths and tenths and the three and two-thirds subsidies granted from 1566 to 1581 could only be justified by the threat rather than the reality of war .
27 It considered that if the Community 's system of quotas in its present form allowed member states to introduce certain requirements whose compatibility with Community law could only be justified by the necessity to attain the objectives of that system , then such requirements could only be incorporated into the quota licences or other quota management measures which the United Kingdom must lay down for the management of its quotas under article 5(2) of Regulation ( E.E.C. ) No. 170/83 , and not be imposed as conditions for the registration of vessels .
28 Notoriously , positivists such as Carnap enunciated a principle of meaningfulness which banned transcendental reflection , but which could only be justified by the sort of argument which it debarred .
29 As I have argued above , the doctrine of deterrence and the deployment of strategic nuclear weapons can only be justified by the acceptance that the superpowers are genuine in their protestations that they do not intend ever to use nuclear weapons , and that they seek disarmament .
30 In particular he came to appreciate that Britain 's reliance on decaying staple industries , whose production costs were making them increasingly uncom-petitive in the post-war world , could only be saved by the abandonment of free trade and the adoption of more protectionist policies .
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