Example sentences of "only [vb infin] the [noun] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Two days later the Communists saw the new grouping as an " essentially disruptive organisation which can only hinder the development of unity between existing political parties and organisations against the Chamberlain Government " .
2 the outcome of these disputes will not only affect the standard of living of the parties and their children , but will help to determine such matters as future accommodation , need to rely on state benefits , scope for obtaining employment , and even the prospects of re-marriage .
3 ) . Once inside the store , the retailer hopes , the customer will not only buy the product on offer , but also many other items , which are sold at a much higher profit .
4 In order to give a rounded picture of the changes confronting the farm worker today , we must not only consider the transformations in work and technology and the equally manifest , if less discontinuous , factors underlying his level of pay and conditions .
5 He urged the millions of protestors to exercise restraint and respond rationally to a war which can only benefit the enemies of Islam .
6 They should only regulate the mix of house types when there are specific planning reasons for such control , and in so doing they should take particular account of marketing considerations .
7 Do you only see the girls on model ?
8 We will only use the evidence in relation to criminal matters .
9 An encounter without real warmth , without loving feelings , but exciting in its strangeness , may help achieve his climax within the woman but will only reinforce the message of prison that life is simpler without feelings .
10 An implication of the preceding analysis is that the monetary authorities can only alter the level of output by engineering unanticipated variations in the money supply which , in turn , implies that they are continually altering their policy rule .
11 On days like this you 'll only hear the sound of frost crunching , not sandwich munching .
12 The chaotic narration is therefore in harmony with such a fractured representation : conventional syntax and punctuation would only conceal the discontinuity of experience .
13 Finally there was the ticket for the left-luggage office at Paddington station , something that could only cross the Atlantic by hand .
14 It must allow plenty of ventilation or the condensation that will form inside the tank could not only encourage the spread of disease but also , in extreme cases , drown the caterpillars .
15 However , scheduling will not only protect the site from damage through property development , but is also likely to prevent further archaeological excavations being carried out — at least without special government authority .
16 Holiday homes were reduced to firewood , and the emergency services could only reach the site by helicopter .
17 By seeking partners to develop a project , the sponsor can not only spread the risk of failure ( and also the rewards of success ) but also achieve the best balance of expertise and contribution .
18 Rugby has long prided itself on its image as a players ' game and any ‘ play to entertain ’ push could only accelerate the drift towards professionalism .
19 Very limited entrepreneurial ambitions , conspicuous consumption and a tendency to spread their thin investments over many ventures [ the ‘ group of companies ’ mentality ] , a tendency … to only scratch the surface of innovation , the aversion to teaming up with others , all these and other motivational factors are likely to continue to limit the growth of Nigerian enterprises even in those spheres which are exclusively reserved to them and to postpone the day when they may hope to take over the higher reaches of enterprise .
20 Because recentralization of business my be a correct and and fashionable philosophy or perhaps one that is no longer fashionable I do n't know it still needs we believe a global approach a coherent approach to tie these things together so the organization can not only get the benefit of responsiveness and flexibility at a departmental but the leverage to exploit that information on behalf of the organization as a whole .
21 In the same connection , the CBI urges that profiles should not only bridge the gap between education , training and work but should also " be integrated into the learning process .
22 Inevitably there are underlying social complexities , such as land tenure and population growth , which are contributing to the problem but there is also evidence , from locations within the drainage basin where conservation measures are being introduced , that terracing and contour farming can not only reduce the risk of erosion but also increase productivity .
23 Although , the redundancies are n't a direct result of the recession , they add to the figures which can only shake the confidence of industry as a whole .
24 ‘ If you will only accept the offer of payment I made to you earlier , then the rest of the debt will be paid very shortly . ’
25 They show a continuing collapse in inflation and that can only help the competitiveness of industry and thereafter the growth of the economy and the creation of jobs .
26 Some would argue that a few predators would only increase the excitement of climbing and walking , and that we should reintroduce some extinct species among our hills and glens .
27 The second reason given seems a little odd at first : a specific list of prohibited practices can only increase the degree of uncertainty for firms compared to the current arrangements , where nothing is specified .
28 These would not only increase the efficiency of transit of boats moving from one level to another ; they would also save precious summit water .
29 There are corresponding improvements in the LAN arena , where new technologies involving fibre optic cable and improved approaches to routing traffic will not only increase the volume of traffic that can pass over the network , but also extend the distance it can travel .
30 Choreographers wishing to interpret music in dance terms are limited in several ways because their choice should not only determine the style of dance used and its phrasing but other factors which are an integral part of the score .
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