Example sentences of "only [vb pp] [prep] a [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 This fine-grained limestone is only developed over a very small area , usually thought of as a lagoonal deposit behind sponge reefs , though recently interpreted as deposits in offshore sediment traps .
2 This brochure is only intended as a very brief introduction to Carmarthen Bay & Teifi Valley .
3 But she had only checked in a very recent volume .
4 A young girl who haunts the Feathers Hotel , a one time serving wench , and only seen by a very few .
5 With glass , for instance , the molecular structure is only disturbed to a comparatively shallow depth below the fracture surface and W is generally around 6 J/m 2 — in other words about six times G — and so , although lg , the critical crack length , is six times as high as it otherwise would be , it is still very short and glass is a brittle material .
6 The studies only agreed on a consistently high rate of dream reports from REM sleep .
7 Machismo is receiving some challenge from women 's movements and organisations , but these are only supported by a very small number of women .
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