Example sentences of "only [vb past] [adv] [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Only got in for a few minutes as half the church was there .
2 Treleaven , from Hayling , only got in as a last-minute replacement when Michael Welch , on EGU duty in Spain , crushed his thumb in a door and had to scratch from the Salver and Sunday 's Hampshire Hog at North Hants , where he should have been defending .
3 ‘ Even if he only lived here for a few years when he was small , I wanted him to know something of his roots , to be aware of his background . ’
4 ‘ What do you find to do , out all day ? ’ asked my mother , who only ventured out with a specific purpose in mind and always got back at the time she had decided she would .
5 She did that for half an hour and he only came round for a short time .
6 Mildred tried to shriek , but it only came out as a frenzied croaking .
7 Now , obviously I 'm not going to talk about profits from the T V division just now , because Thames only came in at the half year , and we 're not including any profits from B Sky B in the half year , but it 's likely that we 'll take some de-loan stock interest in at the year end .
8 But despite the handicap Essex made a terrific fight of it and only went down off the penultimate ball .
9 Any particular location only appeared once in the 48 stimuli , however , stimuli consisted of 24 pairs where the two films in any pair showed an identical manoeuvre in similar traffic conditions although not at the same location .
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