Example sentences of "only [art] few [noun pl] after [art] " in BNC.

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1 The attack came only a few hours after the Thai Interior Minister , Gen. Issarapong Noonpakdi , had issued a " last warning " to the Myanman military to withdraw all its troops from the Thai side of the border .
2 Whilst the earliest phase lasted only a few minutes after the training trial , and the intermediate ones declined within the hour , long-term memory seemed to build up slowly over the first hour after training , and protein synthesis inhibitors would no longer disrupt it if they were administered more than an hour after the training ( Figure 10.1 )
3 The concluding rounds of the peace negotiations , which had been held sporadically over the past 20 months , began under UN auspices in Mexico on Nov. 25 following the declaration of a unilateral FMLN ceasefire on Nov. 16 and recommenced in New York on Dec. 16 ; Pérez de Cuéllar , whose term of office expired only a few minutes after the signature of the agreement , had made the issue of peace in El Salvador a personal crusade .
4 Then in the 1979 paper he found that subjects placed the time of occurrence of this sensation only a few milliseconds after the peripheral stimulus which evoked it .
5 When Malpass did emerge , only a few seconds after the shots , it was dramatic enough to make me forget my churning stomach .
6 But to all West Germany 's neighbours , the idea of a German military force only a few years after the defeat of Hitler s armies was still repugnant .
7 Only a few years after the war the arts became separated from ideology in a way that enabled both artistic practice and theory to gain so-called independence .
8 A few weeks , sometimes only a few days after a major disaster or tragedy — Hillsborough , Piper Alpha or Zeebrugge — there 's bound to be a gag about it .
9 ONLY a few days after the fourth Conservative victory in a row , it is slightly depressing to read that health authorities have allocated millions and millions of extra pounds to a campaign to persuade family practitioners to hand out free condoms to their patients , whether or not they are at high risk of contracting the new American disease .
10 Only a few days after the conclusion of the Second International Congress of Writers for the Defence of Culture , held for the most part in Spain , itself a highly symbolic act of political and cultural allegiance to the Republican cause , Nizan was deeply shocked to learn of the tragic and unforeseen death of Gerda Taro , a young female photographer working for Ce Soir at the battle front near Brunete .
11 Only a few weeks after the gloriously happy wedding day , we learned that Michael had cancer in his spine , and that immediate surgery was necessary .
12 Only a few weeks after the election , the Tory Mr Grist was appointed chairman of the South Glamorgan District Health Authority ( £19,285 a year for a three-day week ) .
13 Only a few weeks after the Crawfords ' split had made newspaper headlines , Gabrielle was named as ‘ the other woman ’ in a divorce action being brought by Baldwin 's wife .
14 " Potentates , diplomatists and militarists made this war " , claimed the most important and vocal British radical group of this kind only a few weeks after the outbreak of the conflict .
15 Nobody would guess from that admirably impersonal account that Milton settled to write his first divorce only a few weeks after the bitter disappointment of his marriage .
16 This leap into the future comes only a few months after the dest … ruction by fire of — ’
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