Example sentences of "only [be] [verb] as a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 This limitation has only been seen as a major crisis by Philips since the emergence of DVI compression-decompression .
2 Exchange rates had only been adjusted as a last resort by deficit and surplus countries , and so were not used speedily enough to prevent prolonged payments imbalances and exchange rate crises .
3 In fact , he has only been working as a professional for three years or so , and has had to learn his trade by trial and error .
4 Paatelainen had only been introduced as a substitute but he certainly made his presence felt in no uncertain manner with his 56th minute strike .
5 Underpinning should only be accepted as a last resort when all other reasonable options have been considered .
6 The manner in which death came to men , including those innocent of any offence , could be so appalling that the final stroke could only be regarded as a merciful relief .
7 While most students not in receipt of a job offer were making applications and attending interviews at the time they completed the Initial destinations questionnaires , the fact that one third of students would be looking for employment at the end of the courses can only be regarded as a disappointing , and rather unexpected , finding .
8 For public transport flights it is a very small risk indeed , but it can only be regarded as a prudent action to take out personal life insurance before one voluntarily exposes oneself to the hazards of flight .
9 The phrasing of the notes should be treated quite freely throughout , hence the rhythmic notation should only be treated as a general guide .
10 They also have a strong international dimension since they argue that these forces are aspects ‘ of the continued development of world economy , an economy which can only be understood as a single , integrated system ’ .
11 " The [ original ] appointment of British judges , " Wako said , " can only be seen as a transitional measure …
12 For the lack of overt reference to the ‘ Jewish Question ’ in his major speeches , and the omission of his name as a signatory to the boycott ‘ appeal ’ can only be seen as a deliberate policy to detach the Führer himself in his public image from the violent anti Jewish rhetoric and actions of which he privately approved .
13 Despite her declaration of a state of emergency yesterday and the government 's announcement early today that the rebels had agreed to return to their barracks , the events of the last six days can only be seen as a colossal confession of weakness on Mrs Aquino 's part .
14 Stenopus hispidus sometimes called the Boxing Shrimp , is far more aggressive towards its own kind and can only be kept as a single specimen or a matched pair .
15 The wave , like the mele , like all music , like the text , is a mental event , since it is never wholly present in any one instant and can only be grasped as a formal pattern existing through time .
16 While accepting that wage cuts were theoretically advisable , Keynes at first argued that they should only be attempted as a last resort , after all other remedies had failed .
17 She was grinning at Harold in what could only be construed as a saucy way .
18 The new information on the inefficiency of bleach , alongside the trends indicated by our London data , suggests that household bleach should only be recommended as a last resort in the absence of sterile syringes and only then at full strength ( 5.25% sodium hypochlorite ) .
19 Nevertheless , the City Council has behaved in what can only be described as a lax , sluggish and offhand manner towards one of the few private initiatives at the very centre of Dutch cultural life .
20 The paint was brushed on , rubbed down , another coat , another rub , until perhaps ten or twelve coats had been applied to give what can only be described as a wonderful finish .
21 What followed can only be described as a wild west show , with representatives chasing it around the Norfolk showground , much tot he amusement of everyone in the vicinity .
22 The main focus of our stay was dining at Les Trois Mousquetaires , which can only be described as a heavenly indulgence .
23 In what can only be described as a pampered career , James was given considerable financial support by the library who funded his PhD , housed him and his family , and allowed him to receive numerous outside grants and sponsorships to fund extensive foreign travel .
24 A blanket punishment such as detention of a whole class must only be used as a last resort , otherwise people who are quite innocent may be detained incorrectly or unlawfully . ’
25 Actual punishment should only be used as a last resort ; a sharp tap with a cardboard strip is quite sufficient .
26 ‘ It must only be used as a last resort . ’
27 Physical restraint should only be used as a last resort .
28 Stubborn deposits may require application of organic solvents such as acetone or petroleum ether , but as these have harmful effects on skin and may also dissolve or harden the window sealing gaskets , they should only be used as a last resort .
29 Two decrees were issued by the Labour Ministry on Jan. 10 , 1990 , ( i ) announcing a nationwide 16 per cent wage increase for workers in state enterprises , stating that this was within the framework of the economic recovery programme ; and ( ii ) stating that strikes might legally be called by trade union committees or mass meetings of workers but that notice should be given to both the employer and the ministry and that strike action should only be used as a last resort .
30 Government regulation should only be used as a last resort , and even then operated with " a light touch " , the Institute argues .
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