Example sentences of "other [noun pl] [prep] [art] [noun sg] [art] " in BNC.

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1 forty or fifty verses , where other times of the year the young ones would nah sit and listen to that .
2 They offer the trade unions and other organizations on the left a chance of shaping the post-Thatcher agenda .
3 Ashton 's design for Pepe , the dog , in The Wedding Bouquet was bettered when he created the Town and Bad Mice , Pigling Bland and the other animals in the film The Tales of Beatrix Potter .
4 There are , however , other advantages in the way the Poitou donkeys are managed .
5 In other versions of the myth a spruce tree grows on the spot where Attis buries his genitals ; and in the Attis and Cybele cult in particular , and in agricultural ritual in general , trees , May-poles , wooden pillars and crosses play a very important part . )
6 15.1 The Publisher shall publish the Work in the name of the Susan Parks , Gerard Bates , Mary Lee Wholey and Anna Thibeault as authors with reference to Concordia University , Center for Continuing Education , Montreal , Canada as the sponsor and in the event of the Work being revised by other persons in the future the Publisher shall be free to publish the Work in joint names or as it may consider appropriate in the circumstances without , however , omitting the name of the Proprietor .
7 14.1 The Publisher shall publish the Work in the names of the Authors and in the event of the Work being revised by other persons in the future the Publisher shall be free to publish the Work in joint names or as it may consider appropriate in the circumstances .
8 We have just agreed that we would allow suggestions about procedures and other suggestions about the way the Company is run .
9 I think the important thing is that we do establish with the other professionals within the school a real understanding about what we are trying to achieve , an agreement and , as far as possible , a sharing of values between us as to what we are trying to achieve with these youngsters .
10 Local authorities have , therefore , begun to help the disabled in their own homes by providing meals services , domestic help and so on , and in some cases they make arrangements to take the disabled person on holiday to give the other members of the household a break , although all of these services are restricted by cash limitations on local authority expenditure .
11 Of the other members of the family the son was the person most usually mentioned .
12 They can also be related to many other points about the way the services are organized and administered .
13 Question : Is n't the Standish protest , and problems at other hospitals in the region a symptom of a crisis in the health service ?
14 In other incidents during the month the IRA claimed responsibility for a series of attacks on shops , offices and businesses throughout Northern Ireland .
15 Like several other premises in the precinct the shop is empty .
16 For claims in respect of other sections of the policy an excess per person should be deducted , if applicable .
17 5 Support etc The rights of light air support protection shelter and all other easements and rights now or after the date of this Lease belonging to or enjoyed by other parts of the Centre The following proviso should be added at the end of this paragraph : provided that such rights and easements shall not [ adversely ] or [ materially ] affect the Premises or the business being carried on therein
18 ( For a ‘ developed ’ country , this will probably concentrate on the questions asked in the census form ; for other parts of the world the method of conducting the census may be of more interest . )
19 ( iii ) By the interrelationship of the rent review clause and other clauses in the lease The classic case of the interrelationship of the rent review clause and other clauses in the lease making time of the essence is a case where the tenant has an option to determine the term by the service of a break notice .
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