Example sentences of "other [adj] [noun pl] [prep] [art] time " in BNC.

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1 Although a similar performance next year would be difficult , the valuation of the market is modest and analysts believe that Oslo will keep outperforming other European markets for the time being .
2 Two million pounds was voted for ‘ Project Tiger ’ , as the Indian version of the WWF operation was called , an incredible sum in view of India 's other economic problems at the time .
3 It was to be a ballad based on the supernatural , as were other popular ballads of the time , and would retell in lively narrative and simple verse form an old mariner 's hypnotic tale .
4 Other interesting trades of the time were shoemakers , a weaver , a straw-hat maker , a druggist and a castrator , plus the more usual ones .
5 Some of these straight orthocone nautiloids achieve considerable dimensions , several metres long , and they must have been formidable predators on the other marine animals of the time .
6 Certainly the general belief was that , having wantonly thrown away a Conservative majority , Baldwin could not remain as Party leader let alone Prime Minister ; and Randolph Churchill , the biographer of Lord Derby , comments that ‘ It is interesting to notice in Derby 's correspondence , and in that of other leading Tories of the time , how for the first two or three weeks after the Party 's defeat in the Election there was an unchallenged assumption that Baldwin could not survive the catastrophe . ’
7 The culmination of the drama , an explosion of emotions during a thunderstorm , has parallels in other Rank-financed movies of the time , when the lid comes off and all the emotions that have been barely repressed throughout the film come pouring out as if from some Pandora 's box .
8 Like many other pre-pubescent boys of the time , I spent the larger part of the Seventies with my shorts round my ankles , making magician 's hands ( raised above the shoulders , fingers splayed ) and shouting the incantation at a hairless and not especially elephantine willy .
9 Other hand-held weapons of the time ( left ) were the morning star or morgenstern , mace and goedendag .
10 The enthusiasm aroused in the other four members by the time of the Hague Congress was one indication that Britain was in danger of becoming rather isolated .
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