Example sentences of "your [noun] [is] [adv] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 You should have your face well lit so that your mouth is not in shadow .
2 Your photograph is also on television .
3 When your car is out of use
4 When your car is out of use
5 When your car is out of use
6 When your car is out of use
7 They can cover the cost of car rental while your car is out of action and , for a price , they can even cover chauffeur-driven car hire or taxis if you should lose your licence .
8 Most of them do all they can for the elderly with their limited resources , but if your parent is badly in need of a telephone and there is no way of your managing to install it for her , you should bring every possible pressure to bear to produce some speedy action on his or her behalf ; for sudden illness , and the need for medical attention , does not wait for lengthy negotiations and committee work to rumble on indefinitely before it puts in an appearance.With very few exceptions , blaming individual social workers for delay in providing any particular service is usually an unfair and useless exercise , for they are only part of a large organisation and if things go wrong an approach to the local Director of Social Services is the best course of action .
9 If you feel that your drinking is out of control , you can contact the Women 's Alcohol Centre for counselling , support or information : 254 St Paul 's Road , London N1 2LJ .
10 As every parent knows , children 's eating habits can be unpredictable and when your child is away from home it is difficult to be sure what they are eating .
11 If there is a child at school with HIV or AIDS , perhaps born with it or caused from infected blood transfusions , your child is not at risk from everyday contact .
12 it 's an ideal way of making sure that your work is continuously on display to the right people .
13 Robbins now draws more and more attention to the text itself , by indulging in a dialogue with his projected reader to celebrate reaching his hundredth chapter or by rejecting the claims of traditional literary decorum : ‘ happily , your author is not under contract to any of the muses who supply the reputable writers , and thus he has access to a considerable variety of sentences to spread and stretch from margin to margin … ’ ( 124 ) .
14 The mere mention of Doreen 's name was sufficient to stir the frustration simmering in Lucy 's mind , and this , coupled with jealousy that refused to be submerged , forced her to say , ‘ Your friend is not in need of further consolation after such trauma ? ’
15 Perhaps that 's what happens when your career is temporarily on hold and you 're compelled to return to your original stalwarts .
16 If your sleep is not at risk , you will find the amazingly complicated sequence of moans , growls and yowls an absorbing example of prolonged animal communication .
17 And I am in haste to get this word to you , that you may know your affair is not in abeyance , and that the undeclared truce which has held good , but for some small brushes , since the council met in November may continue unbroken .
18 This is particularly true , and actually is what I 'm leading to in this story is that three years later , when Robert Priest hit Esquire two years later , the Rolling Stone look was supplanted by the Esquire look in terms of popular design and imagination , and I remember people said to me ‘ well Roger what are you going to do , your style is out of date ’ and my reaction to this was ‘ well , hold on a second , it 's not my style for one , and number two this is just traditional style , this was never intended to be a trend ’ , and fortunately it 's sort of gone — right now it 's back — so Rolling Stone even picked up the format that , you know , the Morris–Jenson typeface that we did for headline and stuff , and it 's back in there .
19 At the time of the referendum we said to people , ‘ Do not worry — your powers will be OK ; your government is still in charge ; democracy is OK ; all that we are joining is a free-trade area . ’
20 But , at the risk of falling into this trap and adding wanking to the list of topics to talk about when I do an interview , I have to say that if you do n't wank , if you do n't have any orgasms , then your life is n't worth living .
21 This is a training session for , life assurance , well it 's to pro , it 's to provide permanent health insurance benefits , and whilst I think there 's evidence at the moment to suggest that obviously your health is in by smoking , erm , insurance companies have n't got round yet to saying it 's enough of a risk that it will keep you off work , although quite clearly I think it will .
22 It was then that I became fully aware of how your personality is really at stake .
23 Wait while your dad 's out of room .
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