Example sentences of "no [noun sg] for the [noun sg] [conj] " in BNC.

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No Sentence
1 The result of social and cognitive tests administered to the children between the ages of one and three obliged the authors to conclude that their data provided ‘ little or no support for the notion that how a mother interacts with her baby during the baby 's first few months of life has any particular consequences for later social or cognitive development ’ .
2 There was , however , no support for the proposition that establishments with a dominant market position or insensitive to their competitors " pricing behaviour were less likely to use temporary workers .
3 The fact that most practices ' referral rates had increased in the second phase of the study provides no support for the view that first wave fundholders had artificially increased their rates of referral in the preparatory year to enable them to make budgetary savings in the subsequent year , although their rates were higher than those of the controls in phase 1 .
4 Although this is the story of a war I had every reason to treat seriously while I was close to it , I offer no excuse for the fact that the account begins on a trivial note .
5 The age of ‘ social Darwinism ’ left no room for a sense of stewardship and encouraged no sympathy for the animal and plant species that might be threatened by humankind 's dominant position .
6 He returned to this theme again in 1953 , declaring : ‘ There is no hope for the safety and freedom of western Europe except by the laying aside for ever of the ancient feud between the Teuton and the Gaul .
7 There is no stimulus for the imagination and like any other muscle it can atrophy from lack of use . ’
8 And as we might anticipate from Eliot 's distaste for ‘ equality ’ there was no room for the idea that it was possible to educate the masses : ‘ There is no doubt that in our headlong rush to educate everybody , we are lowering standards … destroying our ancient edifices . ’
9 These pieces of evidence would seem to establish beyond doubt the correctness of Mustakimzade 's dating of Molla Arab 's Muftilik , a dating which , in turn , leaves no room for the possibility that Abdulkerim held the Muftilik — or the Muftilik of Istanbul , at any rate during the period stated by the later tradition .
10 There was no room for the trick that was merely ‘ showy ’ .
11 There was n't any dust under the bed really because there was no room for the dust because it was jam-packed
12 There is now no room for the amateur or the dilettante in the business .
13 Kashi was interpreted as holding that ‘ there is no basis for the injunction if the defendant 's assets are situate abroad ’ .
14 There is no fee for the card and no interest is charged provided that the account is settled in full every month .
15 For the Crown , Mr. Crystal submits that the issue involved in this appeal is a short point of construction and that there is simply no warrant for the suggestion that section 31 of the Act of 1968 embraces or was ever intended to embrace bankruptcy proceedings .
16 Oh sure , it can be a tonic , and it 's useful as glucose if you just want to kick things over , but , come the advent of a newer and more just social order , the one for which we all cry out , there would be no place for the scandal and achievement of pop , for Prince and any foul Beasties .
17 There 's no charge for the service and they 'll be pleased to make all the arrangements .
18 There is no need for the Bill and for the hours of debate that will accompany it .
19 ‘ These lines provide no service for the public and encourage perverts , ’ she said .
20 But when he asks why it is not cleaned out , he is told that the man of the house is in no humour for it , after the fourteen hours of his day 's labour , and that there is in any case no water for the purpose since the poor must pay to fetch it up the hill .
21 Luckily he had no ammunition for the rifle and gave himself up after Omar , who had caught up with us , put two more shots over his head .
22 I know of no authority for the proposition that an ordinary crime committed in the House of Commons would be withdrawn from the ordinary course of criminal justice .
23 She possesses no respect for the man and want a speedy marriage .
24 According to the applicants in the main proceedings , paragraph 13 of the judgment in the Pesca Valentia case [ 1988 ] E.C.R. 83 , 107 constitute a fair description of the effect of Regulation ( E.E.C. ) No. 101/76 but no argument for the proposition that member states might define the conditions for registration without reference to basic principles of Community law .
25 The defence was that there was no consideration for the promise because the plaintiff was bound by his existing contract to assist in sailing the ship .
26 If the national curriculum and the process of assessment is intended to work through from Stage One at the age of 5-7 to Stage Four at the age of 14 – 16 , there can be no reason for the primary and secondary phase of schooling to be in ignorance of each other .
27 Most have interesting things to say , but why they appear in the order they do is explicable only on some deep theory of random numbers : the editors provide no justification for the selection or their order — or useful introductory remarks or guidelines .
28 There appears to be , then , no justification for the claim that manual and non-manual earnings are starting to overlap and becoming more comparable .
29 There was , of course , no plug for the shower or wash-hand basin , but I had brought my own .
30 The law makes no allowance for the fact that habitual drinkers do n't display some of the signs of intoxication until blood alcohol is above 80mg/ 100ml .
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