Example sentences of "more [adv] [verb] in the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The principle used to be not allow interrogatories as to the evidence of the party interrogated , nor any " fishing " but there is wide discretionary power which , on the basis of the principles involved in exchan ge of witnesses ' statements may possibly be more widely exercised in the future .
2 Having finished planning the new School Science Block , he proceeded to become more widely known in the world of Physics teaching .
3 This is by far the commonest cavity for lasers in general , but has major drawbacks from a theoretical standpoint : the standing-wave pattern greatly complicates the atomic response and can also lead to multimode operation , and time and space are much more intimately mixed in the feedback process .
4 There are , however , homœopathists who carry about with them on their visits to patients the homœopathic medicines in the fluid state , and who yet assert that they do not become more highly potentised in the course of time , but they thereby show their want of ability to observe correctly .
5 Language … is the instrument through which , by means of individual adjustments in response to feedback , both " languages " and " groups " may become more highly focused in the sense that the behaviour of members of a group may become more alike …
6 Reserve and reticence of expression , on the part of solo cellist Christopher van Kampen and the Sinfonietta , were more aptly applied in the context of Ligeti 's Cello Concerto ( 1965 ) , a sparsely-written , lapidaric work that discloses the absolute minimum within its unbroken span of 26 kaleidoscopic episodes .
7 Often an erection is more easily maintained in the morning , and since there may well be no reason to get up early , both of you can enjoy the luxury of making love then .
8 Cardinal Lercaro , one of the moderators , stressed the need for greater speed on the part of the commissions , reminding them — an indirect but clear reference to the Theological Commission — that it was not their task to decide disputed issues by presenting for discussion one straightforward text , but to evaluate and organize amendments so that they could be more easily decided in the Council Hall .
9 Because the Philippines were being constantly invaded , the islanders , known as Moros , retreated to the jungle and waged a continual guerrilla war against the enemy , abandoning their escrima sticks in favour of short , razor-sharp daggers which could be more easily wielded in the jungle 's dense foliage .
10 Some senior party figures believe that theme itself represents a strategic political withdrawal to ground that can be more easily defended in the face of Labour 's onslaught .
11 They are pale in colour so that they are more easily seen in the darkness .
12 Some comments could be dealt with readily by changes to the draft statutory instruments but others were not so easy to resolve as they raise more fundamental questions and in these cases my officials were able to explore with the auditing practices board , whether issues could be more easily addressed in the statement of auditing standards which is being developed to accompany the legislation than in the statutory instruments themselves .
13 Some of its measures , such as those involving the sue of farmland for forestry or housing development , have been controversial , but measures to stimulate the growth of small rural businesses have been more generally welcomed in the countryside .
14 However , Charles ' law is more usually expressed in the form Charles ' law was developed by Joseph Gay-Lussac who , in 1802 , stated that the volume of a gas changes by 1/273 of its volume at 0°C for every 1°C change in temperature .
15 The French use ‘ participation ’ , for instance , in one sense to mean ‘ profit sharing ’ , whereas the term is more usually understood in the sense of participation by workers in the management of enterprises ( Blanpain , 1974 ) .
16 However , they are more usually included in the scope of in-service training , and they are indeed commonly used .
17 It may be that neither statement need be held to subtract from the other , but there could well be some dispute as to which of the two is the more deeply entrenched in the novel .
18 What is more probably recalled in the myth with the conflict of Horus and Seth is an early struggle between the two kingdoms in which the ruler of Lower Egypt ( Horus being a local god from the Delta marshes ) conquered the ruler of Upper Egypt ( Seth being the local god of Ombos near Naqada ) .
19 They believed that this course of action was morally and politically desirable despite the fact that the manufacture of napalm did not generate much profit , that the company 's manufacturing facilities could have been more profitably employed in the manufacture of some other chemical , and that the company 's public image and recruitment activities were being damaged by the continued manufacture of napalm .
20 Such questions are more often asked in the interview situation than in a postal questionnaire .
21 I think it is the critical statements , rather than the words of praise , that are more often uttered in the hearing of girls .
22 the nuances will be much more finely discriminated in the scent of flowers than in the stench of carrion .
23 A spokesman for Darlington police said both women had been fortunate not to have been more severely injured in the crash .
24 Yet the overt ruralism of the prose is more strongly qualified in the verse , where country , primitive , with its ‘ daemonic , chthonic/ Powers ’ is seen as ultimately no better than city unless-redeemed by the Christian vision .
25 Because the relationship of the two lines within the couplet is not predetermined , the reader is more fully engaged in the process of interpretation , a more active participant in the construction of meaning , than when a text presents itself in more straightforward linear fashion .
26 Indeed , this fact is more firmly registered in the layman 's mind than any other , and if he or she were asked to give a name to some species , it would probably be either Tyrannosaurus Rex ( wrongly believed to be the known largest ) , Brontosaurus or Diplodocus , the three most often mentioned .
27 The first phase of the Trust 's Environmental Audit , announced in the summer 1990 issue of the magazine , has now been completed and a programme has been approved which should result in the principles of environmental protection being more firmly entrenched in the Trust 's activities .
28 According to the more experienced officers , the incessant demands for paper from headquarters divert them from more pressing tasks and display an innocence among senior staff about the nature of the job , a view the more firmly held in the knowledge that few senior men have ever worked in the field themselves ( cf.
29 The use of a written procedure was pioneered in the House of Lords where each party has for some years been required to lodge a ‘ Case ’ with the court which is very similar to the skeleton arguments more recently introduced in the Court of Appeal .
30 The former are important in unconsolidated or cemented siliciclastic rocks whereas the latter is more commonly considered in the context of carbonate sands and limestones .
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