Example sentences of "than at the [noun sg] of the " in BNC.

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1 If , for example , the landlord has the right to break at the expiry of the twelfth year of the term , rather than at the expiry of the fourteenth year of the term , the tenant 's right to compensation on quitting may be halved .
2 The possibility that this sort of information is represented across an array of cells , rather than at the level of the single unit does , however , mean that single cell recording alone will not give us a useful answer .
3 This in fact repeats more generally what was stated with regard to environmental competence by Article 130R(4) of the EEC Treaty , inserted by the Single European Act , under which ‘ the Community shall take action relating to the environment to the extent to which the objectives … can be attained better at Community level than at the level of the individual Member States ’ , a provision which does not yet appear to have been the object of scrutiny by the European Court of Justice .
4 The reefs in Denmark are surrounded by carbonate mudstones and in this case they probably grew on the upper part of the submarine slope rather than at the edge of the platform .
5 Their catalogues contain fewer items , but the range of publications is wider than at the turn of the century .
6 The deputy judge refused probate of the 1982 document on the grounds that it had not been duly executed in that , although the amendment by section 17 of the Administration of Justice Act 1982 of section 9 of the Wills Act 1837 allowed a valid signature to be made otherwise than at the foot of the will , it had not altered the requirement that the testator should have made his will before signing it ; and that , in any event , the testator had lacked testamentary capacity .
7 Adidas is also attacking the bulk end of the market by offering shoes at more affordable prices , with greater strength in the £35–£45 range than at the top of the market .
8 Moral : never start a big warren system other than at the beginning of the day 's work , since you need to complete it if at all possible rather than have to extend the work into another day .
9 ‘ British industry is far more productive , far more competitive , better managed and with better industrial relations , in a better tax climate than at the beginning of the 1980s , ’ he told ACCOUNTANCY , ‘ so it is better placed to benefit from economic recovery . ’
10 For instance , the number of working-age people ( 16-pensionable age ) grew by 1.2 million between 1971 and 1981 and by a further 1.3 million in the seven years up to 1988 , while the age groups spanning the period of most intense new household formation ( 15–44 years old ) contained 3.6 million more people in 1988 than at the beginning of the 1970s .
11 That meant Argentinian shoppers were paying roughly 30 times more for the same basket of goods at the end of 1989 than at the beginning of the year .
12 ( 8 ) A cash offer which falls for acceptance near the end of a fiscal year rather than at the beginning of the next fiscal year will not be particularly popular with accepting shareholders as it will make a significant difference to the payment date for capital gains tax ( see para below ) .
13 A cash offer which falls for acceptance near the end of a fiscal year rather than at the beginning of the next fiscal year will make a significant difference to the payment date for capital gains tax .
14 He was still limping slightly , but much less than at the beginning of the week .
15 More striking by the 1820s than the continuity of the theme of the incompatibility of slavery with a true moral and religious order was the much fuller expression than at the end of the eighteenth century of the precepts of economic liberalism as part of the antislavery appeal ; abolitionists now clearly departed from mercantilist policy assumptions .
16 The birds tend to stay in Shetland longer because there is much more food available in the form of seeds and insects at the end of the summer , than at the end of the winter .
17 The United Kingdom 's total exports by 1953 were nearly four times greater than at the end of the 1940s .
18 Er it 's mainly er the change in , in foreign currency debt erm and erm the year end debt er er erm the point is we had rather more dollars at the beginning of the year than at the end of the year erm and erm which , which complicates matters , but if you look at our year end debt in dollar terms th erm there was a thirty nine million pound erm adverse movement year on year as a result of that .
19 Chaucer makes this point on more than one occasion , nowhere more emphatically than at the end of the Canterbury Tales , after the Parson 's Tale , where he " revokes " in his " retractions " " " my translacions and endytinges of worldly vanitees " " ( endytinges : compositions ) including " " the tales of Caunterbury , thilke that sownen into synne " " ( sownen into synne : " resonate with sin " ) ( X : 1084 – 5 ) .
20 Reporting back to the investors on a regular basis rather than at the end of the process is likely to be advantageous to the investors , and is essential in larger transactions as interim action may be required as a result of the investigation process .
21 This is not to deny that plan-making is a very valuable function of our local authorities ; it is rather to point out that the existing powers to implement their plans are restricted by the price that the market puts on some land , and by the fact that the planners ' resource is in the hands of private owners rather than at the disposal of the community .
22 Figures from the Office of Population Censuses and Surveys show that the number of voters is significantly less than at the time of the 1987 election , even though the adult population has grown .
23 Veloso said that 5,600,000 people were now displaced or affected by the emergency , 1,000,000 more than at the time of the April appeal .
24 The congress was attended by over 600 delegates representing some 80,000 party members , approximately 20,000 less than at the time of the 20th congress held in February 1991 [ see pp. 38008-09 ] .
25 On an acquisition level , it means only looking at the assets , market valuation and cash-flow rather than at the nature of the business .
26 There are now 242 shops , 31 more than at the start of the year .
27 In the USA far more states now hold party primaries than at the start of the post-war period , and the sequence of primary results is increasingly the key determinant of presidential candidate selection .
28 The defence in general is 200% better than at the start of the year .
29 The team looks more mature than at the start of the season .
30 Often it is easier to arrange this out of season than at the height of the busy tourist period .
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