Example sentences of "more [adv] than [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Many women can ache for the love of a child more intensely than for the love of a man .
2 Nowhere does this manifest itself more blatantly than in the way that the state , in most EEC countries , is allowed by EEC institutions to use the enterprises it owns or controls to act as vehicles for receiving and in some cases dispensing subsidies .
3 Morale among the Party faithful declined more slowly than among the rest of the population .
4 For most people ageing now takes place more slowly than in the past .
5 I am not seeking to make health care into a business , but I make no apology for seeking to employ business techniques in the health service in order to deliver the central objectives of the health service more effectively than in the past .
6 In the meantime it is better to have tough regulation than none at all , and the consumer must have someone who can intervene on his behalf more effectively than in the past .
7 In the Caucasus , meanwhile , Russia was performing more successfully than in the Crimea .
8 Yet their fate is a lesson for others , none more so than for the Palestinians .
9 Pious shock and horror was expressed at this frailty in the face of temptation — far more so than at the evidence that men behaved in the same way .
10 The Prince and Princess had both been on particularly good form throughout that Gulf tour , and were reduced to giggles on several occasions , none more so than during a desert picnic .
11 The acoustics of the hall seem admirably suited to this music ; textures are warm , yet detail is clear , more so than in the Järvi Chandos series , and the sound overall is fuller and obviously more modern than that of the Kertész/Decca set , where the symphonies ( CD 430 046–2DC6 , 4/92 ) are not available separately .
12 In no field of human endeavour was this more so than in the advancement of knowledge , in ‘ science ’ .
13 And you have to be updated periodically , more so than in the past .
14 Never more so than in the case of those which are sick and injured , including wild animals .
15 As always with Mussorgsky , and never more so than in the case of this opera , the issues are complicated ; and though most of the work 's admirer 's would now agree that Shostakovich 's orchestration is closer to the spirit of a composer he deeply admired than that of Rimsky-Korsakov , whose admiration led him to wish to ‘ sell ’ the work in the West , there are reservations to be made .
16 This is clearly very much open to the critique based upon renegotiation-proofness , even more so than in the case without uncertainty .
17 Nowhere is this more so than in the sub-division of crime fiction that I have labelled the " crime novel " .
18 Satan did walk Scotland and no more so than in the chambers and corridors of Edinburgh Castle .
19 The combination of high unemployment and the unprecedented unwillingness of some at least of the unemployed to accept their fate passively , demonstrated more starkly than before the absence of systematic public provision fur the unemployed .
20 I do n't want to sound dog-in-the-manger about it , but we have performed reasonably well in quite a difficult retail climate , but a view was put around that the individual companies in the Storehouse group were worth more separately than as a group .
21 Leading intellectuals had been purged but were treated more leniently than in the past .
22 A practical way to provide sums of more than £250,000 for larger businesses over short periods of time , more cheaply than with an overdraft , is Barclays Managed Rate Facility .
23 This provides a way of raising short-term funds for general business purposes , often more cheaply than through the banking sector .
24 The spread of Communist ideas and influence among the middle classes and among the steadily expanding constituency Labour parties , was achieved much more rapidly than in the past .
25 But generally , the deadline achieved its purpose and we were able to despatch certificates to students much more quickly than in the past . ’
26 Erm as with many , many parts of the Gospel you 're expected you 're expected to be able to look more deeply than on the surface .
27 The connection between patronage of this type and parliamentary politics could not be stated more clearly than in a letter which John Graham of Dougalston wrote to Mungo Graeme of Gorthie in 1741 , saying that he had made an arrangement with the Laird of Glinns , one of the Stirlingshire voters :
28 Their increasing withdrawal from the mainstream of European politics was a significant aspect of one of the most important changes of the nineteenth century — the clear emergence of a group of great powers in whose hands alone the political future of the continent was recognised to lie , and the relegation of all the other European states more clearly than in the past to varying degrees of political unimportance .
29 ‘ I doubt whether I could have indicated it more clearly than by the importance I placed on foreign affairs in the last year .
30 And going back to the taking of the bread to the erm er bakehouse erm if there was a fire going they did n't do that , because they were baked in the oven , but in the summertime we did it more often than in the winter , because if there was no fire you see , there was no gas cooker or anything like that , all the cooking was done on the coal fire and the oven at the side of it .
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