Example sentences of "more [adv] [verb] [noun] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ( Both Spanish and Italian lute-composers used the terms ‘ tiento ’ and ‘ ricercare ’ for the more loosely constructed type of piece . )
2 The ‘ explosion ’ of place differentiation in Britain also provides the rationale for the more locally focused treatments in Part III , which are arranged in term of types of places rather than on the basis of the standard regional units used conventionally for more detailed accounts of the geography of Britain .
3 It seems highly probable that the northern kingdom achieved a greater cohesion and a more rigorously defined hierarchy of power in the decade or so after Winwaed .
4 Since a more widely ranging survey of Ernst 's art , selected by leading authority , Werner Spies , and attempting , not entirely convincingly , to rehabilitate the artist 's later work , took place at the Tate Gallery in 1991 and was shown in Stuttgart and Dusseldorf , this exhibition will not be presented in any European museum .
5 Caricaturing their findings somewhat , they discovered that West German firms had flatter , more widely based pyramids of management hierarchy than French firms , and that British firms tended to have forms of work organisation that were not pyramidal because there was extensive use of line and staff relationships .
6 When Friends of the Earth researched the tapwater survey of England and Wales run in the Observer in 1989 , they found that lead exceeded the legal limit in a far larger and more widely distributed number of supplies than had previously been supposed .
7 Much dissatisfaction was expressed to the House of Lords Select Committee about the open-ended nature of the HLCA system in the UK but it is very clearly available to MAFF to fix limits on payments and to more properly define levels of payment linked to the severity of natural handicap .
8 In summary , Paint and Create does very little that has not been done elsewhere — but what it does achieve is to bring together in one coherent and consistent product a series of easy to use enjoyable programs that will delight the younger user , and more importantly provoke use of imagination and of creative thought .
9 With the change from a nomadic and food-gathering to an agricultural and more highly organized form of society , man 's anxiety about himself and the animals that he hunted merged into a wider anxiety about nature .
10 The first section will consider the position of the more highly rewarded groups including professionals , senior managers and administrators , and more successful small business people .
11 Another paper describing the use of bibliometrics in research evaluation is Narin 1987 , but this restricts itself to publication counts and citations , deriving a new indicator , the Top Decile Performance , which is that percent of an Institute 's papers which are amongst the more highly cited 10% of papers in a field .
12 It is defined as the percent of an institute 's papers which are amongst the more highly cited 10% of papers in a field .
13 More long stay beds in Paris
14 It seems that in Solihull schools recently , a considerable amount of thinking has gone into developing schemes for teacher-appraisal : perhaps SSE in the form taken by the Solihull booklet is gradually giving way to more personally focused types of staff appraisal .
15 The skills demanded in future will call for a more broadly based approach by management built upon specialist technical skills and GROVE PROJECTS will provide an enhanced working environment in which these skills can flourish .
16 With his concept of the linguistic sign Saussure created the basis of structuralism , both in linguistics and as a more broadly based movement of thought , in which all forms of social and cultural life are seen to be governed by systems of signs which are either linguistic or analogous to those of language .
17 I was interested in his reiteration of the value of regional policies , because the criteria on which such a policy would be administered is of interest to one who comes from a county which is probably being hit by a more rapidly rising rate of unemployment than almost anywhere else .
18 The mechanism of inheritance was cracked using non-behavioural traits , but we can reasonably infer that behaviour is inherited in much the same way as are other , more thoroughly studied properties of organisms .
19 This primary ego-feeling of an all-embracing kind may persist in some people , alongside the narrower and more clearly demarcated ego-feeling of maturity .
20 Then Dr Himes and Nick Jelley , with whom he is now working in Oxford , repeated Dr Simpson 's sulphur experiment with a more carefully conceived piece of apparatus and new calculations about sources of error .
21 There was a more carefully calculated rotation of crops .
22 In short , the probability is that women will more often gain access to heroin through a male , frequently via a ‘ romantic relationship ’ , than any other social route .
23 It is clear that this kind of INSET provision could have been much more effective if the membership of each course had been carefully targeted and hence more homogeneous ; many of the teachers who attended would have been better served by a simpler , more sharply focused presentation of recommendations specifically relevant to their own current practice .
24 But promising runs at Lingfield and Newmarket have suggested that the Bank of Dubai will soon be receiving a more appropriately sized cheque from racing 's coffers .
25 Windows were replaced with more sympathetically proportioned ones in softwood , painted blue .
26 A similar but somewhat more conventionally presented set of controls is also available on the system 's remote control handset ( an extra cost item ) , an unusually well built device which does not come from the Philips parts bin , though it does obey Philips commands .
27 Lawyers are also more familiar with the Commissioner and are more frequently pointing clients with complaints about their unions in her direction .
28 The conduct struck at by section 19 was made an offence in the 1965 legislation , and was a more frequently prosecuted form of incitement to racial hatred than the utterance of words .
29 The current managerial restructuring of the NHS offers an ideal opportunity to involve more clinically based nurses in decision-making and agenda-setting within the organisation .
30 Blacks , on the other hand , harbour a much more narrowly defined set of possibilities on how they might advance .
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