Example sentences of "more [adj] [conj] [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 This reticence is all the more striking when contrasted with the plethora of Second World War movies made both during the war and for many years afterwards .
2 It was found that although a four-week tutorial programme had been prepared , the children in the mainstream school were far more receptive and accepting of the situation and could not see any reason for delaying the child 's integration .
3 The variations in prosperity in the North Side become more acute when observed on the smaller scale of the census tract .
4 Having stated the general duty of a doctor towards his terminally ill p it is necessary to examine how this general duty is made more specific and applied in the myriad real-life situations which arise .
5 It 's probably no more pleasant than living at the centre of some large , dirty , crime-ridden city .
6 Hot water is even more scarce and depends on the weather , or whether or not a fuse has blown .
7 The more light that falls on the eyes , the more the pupils contract to vertical slits ; the less light there is , the more they open up to round , black pools .
8 It is a family history that becomes much more interesting when set against the wider background of the local history of an important industry .
9 It is healthy ; it is strong ; and I think it will continue to grow and become even more exciting and challenging in the future .
10 It made such stellar acquisitions as the Packard collection of Japanese art , twenty-five Chinese paintings from the Sung and Yuan Dynasties , a Bacchic group by Bernini , Monet 's ‘ Terrace at Sainte-Adresse ’ , the Robert Lehman collection , David 's ‘ Portrait of Lavoisier and his wife ’ , the Temple of Dendur , Canova 's ‘ Perseus ’ and Velasquez 's ‘ Juan de Pareja ’ ( still the most important single paintings acquisition since its purchase in 1970 ) and made the museum more accessible and inviting to the public .
11 Moreover , the principle of linguistic self-consciousness or reflexivity seems to be made even more explicit when transposed to the narrative model .
12 This was very much more simple than dealing with the naval officer .
13 Now she took care to change the subject and what could be more natural than to talk to the vet and his sister about Faustina and to speculate on what she might be doing at this moment .
14 Russian society became increasingly more diverse and isolated from the state .
15 I wished I had been more patient and stayed at the witchdoctor 's .
16 Providing for exceptional and individual needs may be more costly than providing for the average needs of fairly homogeneous groups of pupils .
17 Colour circles became ever more elaborate and orientated towards the practice of colour-mixing — witness those of Moses Harris ( c. 1770 ) and Michel-Lugène Chevreul ( 1839 ) .
18 For some of the later applications of paint , white was used in the mixtures , making them more opaque and contrasting with the areas of maximum transparency through which the white of the paper shines out .
19 The stags ' antlers are cast each year and are best left where found as they are nibbled and eaten to recycle the chemicals and nutrients needed for growing the next set , which is probably more useful than lying in the loft at home or being turned into a table lamp .
20 The 2nd cellos here play in unison with the double basses for the first six bars , and after that in the octave above , the double basses being more effective if kept in the lower octave .
21 Patching is more effective if done in the pre-school years .
22 Even though essential oils are sometimes given orally ( especially in the case of garlic ) they can often be even more effective when applied to the skin .
23 If anything , the metabolism of the obese becomes more sluggish when exposed to the cold .
24 In the 1970s Japanese companies reacted to the steep increase in oil prices by making their factories more energy-efficient and investing in the high-tech , low energy-using industries which have since become key elements in the country 's economy .
25 Tens means more running rugby and more rough and tumble for the top 16 sides in England .
26 I do n't think I ever saw J[ack] work more than half an hour without the cry of ‘ Barboys ! ’ — ‘ Coming , dear ! ’ , down would go the pen , and he would be away perhaps five minutes , perhaps half an hour ; possibly to do nothing more important than stand by the kitchen range as scullery maid .
27 ‘ It 's now a question of honour and that 's more important than winning on the field .
28 For those with a young family the inevitable taxi duties and watching our children take part in their school and club activities become more important than lying on the settee recovering from the morning session .
29 No branch of nuclear technology is more detested and feared by the anti-nuclear and green lobbies than fast breeders .
30 I would have expected Esquire to be a little more imaginative than to jump on the anti-Essex bandwagon and to realize that you do n't have to be brainless to live in Braintree .
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