Example sentences of "than [pers pn] be at [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I am not sure whether I am more appalled at the prospect of the Labour party being in government than I am at the prospect of having the support of the hon. Member for Eastbourne ( Mr. Bellotti ) and the Liberal party .
2 ‘ Then I 'll need to work at it even harder than I am at the moment . ’
3 ‘ Shall we say that I 'm less uncertain than I was at the beginning . ’
4 At the end of this fourth volume , I am still not certain whether I have been reading about a great man , any more than I was at the end of the third volume , or the second , or the first .
5 I 've never been soooo pissed off at a game than I was at the rangers game at Elland Road .
6 In fact , during pregnancy , she becomes able to ingest and utilise more of the necessary substance than is required by the child alone so that by the end of pregnancy she will be better off for such substances as nitrogen , calcium etc. than she was at the beginning .
7 Except Tim 's a bit older than you were at the time .
8 Remember , if you get a mild reaction , you will need to proceed with caution until you can tell whether that food or food group is causing you to feel less well or less able to lose weight than you were at the end of Stage I.
9 If it does n't , then we 're no worse than we are at the moment , really are n't we ?
10 Probably more than we are at the moment .
11 But we also need the broad generalizations that help show whether we are closer to meeting the basic needs of all the world 's people than we were at the start of the 1970s .
12 ‘ It is all a bit overwhelming and we are more frightened now than we were at the start because we know so much more about her condition .
13 Even presented in outline like that , it is reasonably clear that under green regimes Europeans would , by any conventional standards , become a great deal poorer than they are at the moment .
14 At the end of a day 's banking some banks are going to be more liquid , as a result of net deposits and other banks are going to be less liquid than they were at the beginning of the day 's business , as a result of a net withdrawal of deposits .
15 Moreover , although their constitutional and political position depended on their new relationship to " the people " they were not instructed delegates of their constituents any more than they were at the mercy of the party whips in the Commons .
16 As the campaign enters the final furlong the Tories in the campaign team know they are no closer to finding a magic formula than they were at the outset .
17 AFRICA is the only continent in the poor world where people ended the 1980s worse off than they were at the start .
18 In that year , Haringey 's Labour councillors learned more about heterosexism than they would ever have believed possible , and they have become far more articulate in their defence of lesbian and gay rights than they were at the time of their election .
19 Lyndon Bolton , the managing director , yesterday described prospects as more encouraging than they were at the time of the interim report in August .
20 With the yield on 30-year Treasury bonds at 8.25% and that on three-month bills at 6.6% , long- and short-term interest rates are now lower than they were at the end of the two previous deep recessions , in 1981 and 1973 .
21 Although incomes in the 1980s were substantially higher in real terms than they were at the end of the 1950s , there has been no sustained decrease in inequality ; in fact , as we saw in chapter 5 ( figure 5.5 ) , income inequality in Britain increased sharply after 1976 .
22 The shorter estimate comes from one or two ‘ optimists ’ within the electricity supply industry who believe that the opponents to the plans to build the Sizewell PWR will prove less persistent than they were at the inquiry into the plans to expand the nuclear fuel plant at Windscale in Cumbria .
23 But the major problem is that the sites which we have at the present moment are not controlled , and if we could get proper sites , properly managed , I think you would find that the whole erm picture of a gipsy site in an area would be much better received by the public than it is at the present .
24 Further , discomfort is much more prevalent at the base of an organization than it is at the top , both physically and psychologically .
25 And irrationality is , 1 would argue , more firmly at the centre of Western , Christian , culture than it is at the centre of Islam .
26 Barbed wire might well become more common than it is at the moment .
27 The result is bound to be that it will be far harder to acquire convictions in these cases than it is at the moment .
28 It should complement the Bishop 's Park which by then , it is hoped , will be kept in a better state than it is at the moment .
29 Yet at the same time — here is the Red Queen effect again — there is no general reason for expecting either side in the arms race to be any more successful at doing its job than it was at the beginning of the arms race .
30 UK consumption is around a third lower than it was at the beginning of this century .
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