Example sentences of "than [prep] the [noun sg] of the " in BNC.

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1 Rather than about the working of the place cos .
2 This is difficult to explain otherwise than as the result of the source being glacial Drift ; the same explanation may apply to other whetstones also .
3 Despite the broad nature of the changes , however , the results were perceived by many as change for the sake of change , rather than as the result of the President having found a new formula to deal with the main problems of inflation , the breakdown in government services and the poor state of the economy .
4 Nash argues that the position of women has deteriorated despite development activities because of the concentration on production for profit rather than for the welfare of the population in many Third World countries .
5 However , these pauses were considerably longer for the philosophical section of the passage than for the description of the countryside .
6 It is perhaps ironical that the differences between spoken and written language are typically much smaller for researchers working on language than for the majority of the population .
7 Ministers claim that accident rates on YTS are better than for the rest of the working population in that age group .
8 Cecil made it quite clear that in his opinion , at least , the " strangers " in charge of the works were pretending to act simply and fairly towards the society but were thought to be dealing more for their own " private lucre " than for the benefit of the society , " … this despite diverse great sums of money due by them for rent having been remitted for their better encouragement to carry on the work … "
9 As Table 6.1 below shows , the proportion of temporary hotel and catering staff who can be described as working on that basis " involuntarily " is lower , and the proportion who can be classified as working on that basis " voluntarily " is higher than for the generality of the temporary labour force .
10 The court ordered disclosure to B. , for use on the hearing of the reference , of all witness statements and documents in the possession of the authority as a result of the investigation , on his implied undertaking not to use the disclosed documents otherwise than for the purposes of pursuing his criminal appeal on the reference , assurances having been given to informants that statements would not ordinarily be used otherwise than for the investigation of the complaint or for any criminal or disciplinary proceedings which might follow .
11 We understand indeed from Mr. Richards that reassurance is nowadays routinely given to those whose co-operation is sought : they are told that their statements will not ordinarily be used otherwise than for the investigation of the complaint and for any disciplinary or criminal proceedings that may follow .
12 What clearly frustrates him is that so much of the money now sloshing around in professional tennis , is being spent in damaging — or at least potentially damaging ways — rather than for the good of the game , as well as for the good of the individuals who are benefitting .
13 One example of this is that the CEGB 's engineering costs for a new coal plant are expected to be 16 per cent higher than for the completion of the coal-fired Drax power station while for a new AGR it expects engineering costs to be 20 per cent lower than for the Heysham II prototype .
14 The print order for its main propaganda vehicle , The Fascist , published between 1929 and 1939 , was certainly more impressive than for the journal of the Britons ; but of the 3,000 produced , 1,000 were purchased by a Mr Pope of Porthcawl and many of the remainder were sent to South Africa .
15 Regular staff , sometimes nominally of the same grade , provide a sort of supervision for them in the initial period and themselves tend to find that during the peak period they are doing , or doing more consistently , more responsible jobs than during the rest of the year .
16 They argue that redshifts can be produced in other ways than through the expansion of the Universe by gravity ; by the rapid motion of an object , a true Doppler shift that , thanks to relativistic effects , produces a redshift even if the object is moving across the line of sight ; or by other , unknown , means .
17 No such obligation would in my view ordinarily arise where the third party comes into possession of information which , although once confidential , has ceased to be so otherwise than through the agency of the third party .
18 For the most part , a balance between these potentially conflicting aims is achieved through cooperation between the police and march organisers rather than through the use of the law .
19 Given the circumstances , some variation in quality was inevitable , but this was more pronounced initially than towards the end of the pilot period .
20 The failure to arrive at any detailed results is a reflection of the complexity of the issues involved rather than of the failure of the protagonists of the human capital theory to recognise the problem .
21 The ending of what amounted to class segregation was less a matter of the democratic spirit of professionals finally asserting itself than of the decline of the amateur .
22 In Angola the support for Jonas Savimbi 's UNITA has been stronger amongst the Ovimbundu people of the central plateau than amongst the rest of the population .
23 The thin pelts of hair ( phocid ) seals and denser pelts of fur seals probably afford better protection against wind-chill than against the cold of the sea ( Figure 6.5 ) .
24 Finally , the dilemmas associated with abuse have more to do with anxiety over taking a moral position than with the complexity of the subject .
25 Even less than with the designation of the polytechnics was the CNAA in the 1970s confronting a policy-driven situation .
26 On the contrary , he had spent the hours of peril trying to establish in his mind his superiority to the abject cowardice of his companions , seeming more concerned with his own soul than with the fate of the helpless pilgrims on the Patna .
27 Both " skill " and " apprenticeship " are notions which have been challenged by feminist writers as having less to do with the intrinsic nature of the work than with the sex of the people doing it .
28 ‘ The federal arrangements of the German Basic Law have less to do with real federative forces than with the principle of the separation of powers itself , and they benefit party political groups , their ability to form alliances and the bureaucracy . ’
29 Education Minister José Goldemburg had resigned on Aug. 3 over drastic cuts in the education budget , complaining that Collor was more concerned with his own political survival than with the well-being of the population [ see also p. 39002 ] .
30 She now thought that the Church was under attack from a Vatican more concerned with power and control than with the good of the people .
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