Example sentences of "at [det] [noun sg] [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 This is a salutary reminder of the powerful implications of teacher enthusiasm : no doubt at least part of the popularity of any text has as much to do with the way it is taught , as with characteristics embodied in the text itself .
2 The actions taken by both leaders and followers have , at each turn of the wheel of fortune , helped to create the next round of change .
3 At each turn of the zigzag , the wheelbarrow toppled , and when I was tacking into the wind , grit , picked up by the wheel was blown into my eyes and mouth .
4 These targets were decided at each location by a management team drawn from right across the site .
5 As we mentioned in Chapter 5 , at this stage you need only time-table three or perhaps four exercise routines per week ( where you get slightly breathless at each session for a half-hour period ) in order to keep up a reasonable degree of fitness .
6 They were also at times short of water , although they no doubt learnt to manage on very little , and their encampments would have been spread out to take advantage of several watercourses at each halt in the journey .
7 Epictetus looked at each event from the point of view of his whole life and its freedom and the courage and steadfastness that he wished to possess .
8 There were 200 seats with a substantial middle-class element , and these were overwhelmingly Unionist at each election between the wars .
9 A pair of tysties are displaying at each other on a ledge , their high-pitched calls extending even beyond our human audio range , judging by the soundless opening of vermilion-lined beaks .
10 They glared at each other for a second longer , then Ryker turned the lock and pushed the door open .
11 They stared at each other for a moment before Mick added , ‘ You 've never seen Carrie for years , have you ? ’
12 They stared at each other for a moment in tense silence ; then gripping the aide of the bedclothes , he swung them upwards and exposed to his amazed gaze her grey outdoor coat .
13 Hazel and Blackberry , after looking at each other for a moment , caught him up and went beside him .
14 The two men glared at each other for a moment .
15 They stared at each other for a moment , then Ursula added , emphasizing every word : ‘ Please leave my home .
16 The two men looked at each other for a moment , no doubt exchanging of those wordless communications that women contrive now and then .
17 They stared at each other for a moment , then Ward said , ‘ All right .
18 They stared at each other for a moment , not exactly hostile , more two people measuring each other up .
19 They blinked at each other for a moment at close quarters , wide-eyed and brow to brow .
20 They stared at each other for a moment .
21 The men looked at each other for a moment , then glanced away quickly .
22 The innkeeper , in Coleridge 's version of events , could remember nothing remotely suspicious in the activities either of Coleridge or the ‘ strange gentleman ’ from Alfoxden , though he did recall the amazement of some local farmers when , at a great dinner party , Coleridge and the vicar of Stowey had talked ‘ real Hebrew Greek at each other for an hour together ’ .
23 He and Branson looked at each other with the candour of two people who know they are utterly different , but for one shared resolution .
24 THE PARENTS of a bride and groom glared at each other across a courtroom yesterday — in an amazing dust-up over the bill for their wedding reception .
25 Or partners may look at each other across the breakfast table once the children have left home and ask themselves what they still have in common .
26 Youths in outsize hats , lounging in the doorways of shops and cafes , with hands thrust deep into their pockets , gossip and smoke , jog on the spot to keep warm , or lob snowballs at each other across the road , over the roofs of passing cars .
27 ‘ We will shake hands before the game , then shout at each other across the dug-outs during the match , and shake hands again afterwards , ’ said Souness .
28 They glared at each other across the table , two people in early middle age who had had the same quarrel in the same words many times .
29 There was silence as they looked at each other across the table .
30 They sat down beneath the shade of an umbrella , and looked at each other across the table .
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