Example sentences of "at [pers pn] [adv] [prep] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Pagan gods , birds and beasts sacred to the Celts of old stared at me sagely from every hand .
2 She looked at me crossly over the breakfast table .
3 She looked up at me steadily for a moment before she spoke .
4 As I waited at the King 's Stairs for my boat back to Venturous I was approached by two very splendidly attired and heavily braided Merchant Service Officers whom I had noticed staring at me curiously during the reception .
5 The sun-bathed wall which forms the south face of Lomnicky Stit winked at me early in the trip .
6 He looked at me quietly for a moment .
7 He looked at me apathetically through a mist of weakness and pain and one could see he 'd been in that water a lot too long .
8 She stared at me blankly for a moment , then turned and went back to the sitting room .
9 If I had a gun here yeah and I knew and you were coming at me like with a club and I shouted , Stop .
10 They cursed and uttered muttered threats to desert , but on and on they walked until they made out a herd of wild cattle staring at them hostilely through the rain , and clambered aboard .
11 In an instant they were kneeling in silence by the bed with bowed foreheads ; and the sick boy tenderly put his hands on their heads , and pushed the frail white fingers through their hair , and looked at them tearfully without a word , till they hid their faces with their hands , and broke into deep suppressed sobs of compassion .
12 But look at them once in a while .
13 This odd instructor shouted at them constantly in a tone of voice that suggested they were clinging to a ledge hundreds of feet above a lava-filled crater , being pursued by leathery-skinned trolls .
14 Her youth blazed at them suddenly like a torch kindled , a thin , bright , deeply-moulded face all pearl-tinted skin over abrupt , burnished bone , with a wide , firm , full-lipped mouth , and dark eyes .
15 Flicks at you verbally with a rapier . ’
16 Celia was aware of Dr Shalcross looking at her intently across the desk .
17 The lift arrived as she said the name , and the two people inside looked at her curiously through the metal lattice .
18 He stared at her steadily for a moment and then nodded .
19 He looked at her steadily for a moment and then his hard expression softened considerably .
20 He stared at her incredulously for a moment , then , as he began to speak , she forestalled him .
21 Detective Inspector Aziz looked at her carefully for a minute .
22 He tilted her face , looking at her deeply for a moment and then letting her go .
23 But why was he looking at her now with no sign of warmth in his glance ?
24 Her mother looked at her vacantly for a moment , then she said in a weak voice , ‘ My poor girl .
25 We gazed at her blankly for a moment before recovering and saying we would , please .
26 Lissa stared at her blankly for a moment .
27 He stared at her blankly for a moment .
28 He stared at her bleakly for a moment then turned on his heel .
29 Susan 's husband had stared at her bleakly from the bed , already certain of her betrayal .
30 He lifted his close-shaven muzzle and looked at her hard over the monitor of his reader .
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