Example sentences of "at [art] [noun] [vb pp] at the " in BNC.

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1 At the inquest held at the Black Boy a verdict of accidental death was returned by the coroner and jury .
2 Requests for further information about the programme should be made to him at the address given at the end of this section .
3 If you would like help or advice please contact your insurance adviser or Legal & General at the address shown at the top of your renewal notice .
4 Note : If you have a specific query on an EE project see the information under Readers Enquiries on the Editorial page and write to the Editorial Offices at the address shown at the top of that page .
5 The war veteran selling memorial crosses at the Abbey beamed at the memory of the scenes on television .
6 When we look at the lectures delivered at the Royal Institution , we find a striking variation in the level at which topics are treated , and an amazing range of topics ; what is uniform is the skill with which the lecturers on the whole wrote persuasive prose .
7 Traditional options are contracts written by stock exchange market makers entitling their clients to buy or sell quoted shares in some stock in the future at a price fixed at the time the option contract is purchased .
8 The award was presented at a ceremony staged at the NEC Birmingham , attended by Geoff Keates , Production Manager , Doreen Baddeley , Jean White and Eddie Walker , Safety Officer .
9 The award was presented by TV newsreader John Humphrys at a ceremony held at the Grosvenor House Hotel in Park Lane .
10 At a symposium held at the Warburg Insitute in March to demonstrate the capabilities of the computerised census to a distinguished array of international scholars there was much enthusiasm , but there were reservations .
11 At a meeting held at the local headquarters of the WSPU , " Mr Buckner , a prominent official in the STA , who spoke to the question from the men 's point of view , was subjected to a very severe heckling . "
12 The findings of a recent mission to Japan to study developments in neural computing and parallel processing were reported at a meeting held at the Café Royal on the 4th December .
13 LASMO Canada 's shareholders have approved a change in the company 's name at a meeting held at the end of October .
14 The chain was presented to the current chairman , Colin Chapman , by one of the guests of honour , Trevor McCombie , at a dinner held at the University of Bristol .
15 Peter Jones , 32 , of North Road , Darlington , qualified for the certificate when he gained his Third Dan in Shoto Kan karate at an event held at the Primrose Holly Holiday Centre on the outskirts of Scarborough .
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