Example sentences of "at [adj] [adv] the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 At eleven o'clock the following morning , Buzz sat down on the blue chair by Elinor 's bedroom window , pulled the kitchen timer from the pocket of her navy cotton dress , and set it to twenty minutes : the mechanism began to tick in an irritating way .
2 They arranged to meet at eleven o'clock the next evening .
3 He opened one eye at 6.30 am the following morning and there stood that efficient individual dispensing bright conversation and a cup of steaming , over-sweet tea .
4 At 6.30 pm the tropical darkness descends — like a train going into a tunnel — and all at once the crickets begin their chorus .
5 Incidentally , I cycled past the Royal Palace at 2 a.m. the next morning and saw that all the flags had been taken down except ours — a gesture of regal solidarity , perhaps ? !
6 But when he realized by late afternoon that none of the farmers at Casterbridge wanted a farm manager , or even a shepherd , he decided to try his luck at another fair the next day .
7 At this even the boldest goat fled to the nearest hut for fear of reprisal , and from the cover of the walls watched the frustrated officer screaming at sentries , Poles , hut and bicycle in turn .
8 At 7 a.m. the same morning Lance Buckmaster arrived at the headquarters of the company he had founded in Threadneedle Street , World Security & Communications Ltd .
9 Both she and Graham agreed there was little else they could do that night and when he telephoned through to report to UNACO headquarters he was told a company Cessna would be waiting at six o'clock the following morning to fly them on to Geneva , the nearest airport to Lausanne .
10 Startop , Drummle , Herbert and I were asked to go to the office at six o'clock the next evening .
11 I went round with him twice : once just before dusk , then again at six o'clock the next morning after a filthy , freezing night .
12 At six o'clock the next morning she finally fell in front of the door of the workhouse , and the people there took her in .
13 At six o'clock the next morning he came stumbling up their stairs , threatening to crack the banisters , having the strength and the weight of a buffalo .
14 His family were encouraged by signs of a recovery on Friday , but at three o'clock the next morning , 6 January , 1934 , two weeks short of his fifty-sixth birthday , Herbert Chapman died .
15 At 4 pm the following afternoon he awoke and came downstairs asking for breakfast !
16 I do not believe that we should cast aside at all lightly the all-party support for these methods .
17 At 11 a.m. the following day his mother was told of his detention .
18 AT 11 AM the next day he was feeling groggy but was allowed home with a supply of pain-killers .
19 At 3 o'clock the following morning Lawford was awakened by a phone call .
20 During the football season ( eight months of the year ! ) the early turn men parade at 6 a.m. to 2 p.m. , return for a few hours , then re-parade 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. , and sometimes have to go on duty at 6 a.m. the following morning .
21 As arranged with the Commander , Milton and Pooley arrived at ffeatherstonehaugh 's at ten o'clock the following morning .
22 On the Tuesday his American boss had a practice round in the morning , practised for a couple of hours , pronounced himself satisfied and arranged to meet Froggy at ten o'clock the next day .
23 Commander Brian Spittals had ordered a press conference to be called at ten o'clock the next morning so that it could catch the lunchtime news bulletins .
24 At ten o'clock the next morning the telephone rang in Edward 's bedroom .
25 Eventually they agreed on an appointment at nine o'clock the next morning , but Indenbaum was still convinced that Modigliani would not turn up .
26 At nine o'clock the next morning I heard Joe 's clumsy boots on the stairs , and at last he entered Herbert 's rooms .
27 One morning , he left Leeds at eight am and after interviews in London and a concert in Brighton , he arrived back at school at nine am the following morning .
28 One evening we filmed at six o'clock a commercial which I 'd been handed in script form at five o'clock the same evening .
29 Thus it came about that sealed bids were invited , to be opened by the treasurer at 1 pm. the first day of the Sale .
30 Now what I want to do in this lecture is to finish off the er introductory part of my , of my remarks and take us up to the point where beginning at twelve o'clock the real part , the real er core of this course begins when we start to look at social theory .
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