Example sentences of "do n't [vb infin] [pron] at [art] " in BNC.

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1 We did n't watch it at the cinema .
2 ‘ I 'd prefer it if you did n't tell anyone at the circuit how we come to know each other , ’ Simon said , his grey eyes trained on the road ahead .
3 That 's why I wrote to you about Herr Sussmeyer and enclosed the pubic hair , though I did n't realise it at the time .
4 Julie , 24 yesterday , said : ‘ I always loved him , I just did n't realise it at the time . ’
5 Though he did n't realise it at the time , cricket was his life and consuming interest .
6 The Brigadier said , ‘ You 're sure they did n't spot you at the hotel ? ’
7 ‘ I did n't feel anything at the time , ’ he continued .
8 He he did n't make one at the same time as , you know , to actually show the folds and that
9 Onassis invited me — I did n't know him at the time but later we became great friends — and we talked .
10 I did n't know it at the time , but he had come to prepare us for the move to England .
11 Though I did n't know it at the time , Lebanon was suffering only the hors d'oeuvre of the devil 's dinner .
12 ‘ Well , I did n't know it at the time , but the telegraphist on the next set to mine-Lofty , he 's called — was on my wavelength too .
13 ‘ I did n't know it at the time .
14 I did n't know it at the time but a greater blow awaited me A few days later Mrs Rumney was on the phone again .
15 Of course I did n't know it at the time , but by then my mother and father 's marriage was showing cracks .
16 His speed was such he did n't approach it at a speed where he could erm er l lay off and er let something happen .
17 I did n't realize it at the time but I think it wants
18 With one sergeant I had then , I used to make up stories about keeping an eye on thieves if he did n't find me at the points .
19 We did n't have them at the back either , for that matter .
20 They did n't have them at the bookshop I went to , they 'd never heard of the magazine , and a friend of mine who writes poetry said he was certain it did n't exist . ’
21 No cos I did n't have it at the time when I did that .
22 Indeed , I probably did n't understand her at the time .
23 If we do n't go one at a time nobody 'll be heard .
24 If you have a young family a sandpit can be popular but do n't site it at the bottom of the garden out of sight .
25 And he added : ‘ We do n't want him at the club and if I have anything to do with it , he 's not coming back at all . ’
26 At a separate news conference , Sugar was in equally confident mood , telling reporters : ‘ We do n't want him at the club and if I have anything to do with it , he 's not coming back at all . ’
27 Do n't throw them at the windows .
28 well I 'm always calling them tweedle dum and tweedle dee , hey do n't throw it at the house , it might be something fragile
29 If I do n't pass it at the third time I 'm just gon na give up cos I 'm not failing more
30 But her she do n't spend her money because she do n't get nuffink at the end of the day .
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