Example sentences of "do n't [adv] come [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Our family did n't exactly come from the wrong side of the tracks , but we were certainly always within sound of the train whistles . ’
2 I suspected that Gillian was getting rid of Wyatt as a way of breaking with her father ( who did n't even come to the wedding , incidentally ) and pointing out to her Mum what she ought to have done years before .
3 I mean the old man was well in his seventies and he , he was secondary , you see he never even er , he , he did n't even come to the funeral , Clifford 's funeral and Margaret was very bitter about that .
4 ‘ I mean , the truck was smashed but the train did n't even come off the rails .
5 The florist came up earlier but she was asleep , and he did n't even come into the room , just put his head round the door and left her some flowers ; the night nurse has put them out in the corridor .
6 We are one of about three hundred Amnesty groups in the country , probably about this size , perhaps , well were , were , I mean this , this group is probably about an average for the , you know , the groups in the country , some are smaller , some are much larger , but er , usually it 's about a dozen or so people meeting once a month or , or that often in a room , erm , but apart from groups there are a l there are a great many more people who are called individual members of Amnesty about eighty thousand I think now who are , who just joined by writing to headquarters and many of those have no contact with the groups at all , we 've had list of the people in this area and they run into hundred and fifty , two hundred people who live in this area who er , who belong , who , who belong to Amnesty but do n't actually come to a group except for a small number of us .
7 ‘ You do n't usually come on a Sunday . ’
8 They do n't always come from the city .
9 Water is a product — it does n't just come from the sky , it has been processed , and there is no doubt metering will save some of the water being wasted .
10 The village itself has a medieval centre and is rich in an Alpine flavour which does n't just come from the towering scenery .
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