Example sentences of "do n't [verb] [art] [noun] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 I did n't think the question that erm , the question culture was the same as our culture .
2 Well David did n't sleep a lot and got thinner and thinner .
3 I think he was regarded as a bit of a failure in Ukrainian circles because I did n't speak the language or dance . ’
4 Did n't alter the fact that he 'd deliberately sought her out because of her parents .
5 Of course that did n't alter the fact that de Tracy had changed sides .
6 But it was only a detail , and it did n't alter the fact that no one but Ivy could have done it .
7 The success of Carry On Nurse in America did n't alter the fact that the fans were mostly in Britain and the Commonwealth , but the mail poured in from places as far apart as Kenya and Hong Kong .
8 Some time in the darkest hours of the night she had been forced to admit to herself that she was deeply attracted to David Markham , just as she now knew he was to her , but recognising that did n't alter the fact that the situation was impossible .
9 Davies did n't drop a shot as she carded six birdies and an eagle in her round , after starting the day six strokes behind the French golfer .
10 Stella was afraid Babs might tell Dotty that she did n't wear a slip and that Dotty would rush out and buy her one , just as she had bought her a brassière after catching her in the wardrobe with her arms above her head about to be fitted for her Ptolemy costume .
11 That 'll be alright so cos he slid his my brief case and er I got all the way home , no problem at all , I 'd got newspaper under the back , so it did n't scratch the back when I come to come down Mill Road this lorry 's go , I mean I got the tail gate up and er I sort of looked in the mirror , I thought oh my goodness my tail gate , I could hear it so and I braked a bit sharp and that slid down and scratched along the dash board !
12 But I did n't bring the papers cos I
13 He said he did n't bring the children because he thought that we were too old for them .
14 Maybe if she just stayed where she was and did n't answer the telephone or the doorbell , did n't let anybody in , if she did n't eat , then maybe she would die too — fairly quickly , and that would solve it all .
15 Did , did Harry ans was he there , no he did n't answer the phone when I rang .
16 told the court that Emma did n't stand a chance because she was on top of the stacked bales .
17 We were greeted by unnaturally cheerful ranger , who told us that there were 56 people on the list ahead of us so we did n't stand a chance and that it would probably rain anyway .
18 And he got some packages made but unfortunately he did n't patent the idea because what he actually was made what he actually made was random access memories .
19 Plomley did n't regard the show as one of his greatest successes and no one else seemed to remember it .
20 In fact , if it had n't been for Granpa I would n't even have been made to attend the local elementary school in Jubilee Street , and ‘ attend ’ was the right word , because I did n't do a lot once I 'd got there , other than bang the lid of my little desk and occasionally pull the pigtails of ‘ Posh Porky ’ , the girl who sat in front of me .
21 I reached the stage where I did n't do the washing or the washing up , I did n't clean the house : it looked like a pigsty .
22 It irritated her to think that she had n't been doing anything reckless like running to catch a bus ; but she had a private theory that an old person did n't break a hip because she fell , but fell because her hip snapped , after gradual erosion .
23 They say they did n't tell the owners because it 's their policy not to do so .
24 Mr Morton , speaking after the launch in America of an updated version of his book , said : ‘ A campaign began to build up against Diana that she was mad and mentally unstable , that she was somehow bending reality , did n't tell the truth and that she was in some way responsible for this book . ’
25 ‘ I did n't leave no mud when I cleaned the floor yesterday , ’ said Mary .
26 Because my hair is dry I could really see and feel the difference and the fact that it did n't leave a coating or residue on my hair was great for me . ’
27 I did n't want to be dependent upon anybody , and I thought , ‘ This is the day to end it all , ’ but I did n't want to make anybody upset about it , so I put the cat out and I did n't leave a note and I thought , ‘ I 'll make this look very natural . ’
28 , writes : A FRIEND maintains that about 10 years ago he boarded a train in London , played cards and had a few drinks and did n't leave the train until he reached Paris .
29 ‘ Remember she did n't leave the party though when Nicola was out of the room . ’
30 Blake did n't recognize the uniforms or the rifles .
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