Example sentences of "do not [verb] [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 We held an investigation and realised that some of the records held by the accounts departments did not tally with the real situation .
2 Needless to say , this attitude did not make for a good marriage .
3 Their success at the game did not make for an easy relationship , though .
4 The term ‘ ecology ’ could be used as an umbrella to cover a wide range of research traditions that did not interact at the detailed level , but which could be seen to deal with one aspect or another of the relationship between living things and their environment .
5 Externally , AWCC felt that its demands were highly specific and did not benefit from a wider articulation through the North Side Leadership Conference , which it joined in 1985 .
6 Dick Crossman , like myself , was a Wykehamist but did not benefit from the outstanding facilities for scientific education that were available at Winchester .
7 The brown carpet was cigarette-burned and none too clean , but at least it did not clash with the shabby beige of the walls .
8 The Judaism of the Pharisees and Scribes did not care for the lost .
9 She did not care for the serious young men who toured the Home Office and the Treasury with her .
10 Tyroglyphus , harmless to the vine but a deadly enemy of Phylloxera vastatrix , was imported in 1873 in an attempt to kill off the pest ; unfortunately , however , unlike phylloxera , Tyroglyphus did not care for the European climate and failed to settle .
11 They did not care about the burst tyre — all 14 inches and $400 of it — and could hardly be bothered to check the rest of the car .
12 Most of them did not control for a possible confounding effect of H pylori infection .
13 Only 4 amino acids did not match with the human sequence , whereas 9 amino acids did not match with mouse peptide .
14 You did not go through a religious ceremony with him . ’
15 Mr Burtt has asked my advice on payment of the enclosed invoice for £690 for an order raised by Mrs Gregory which did not go through the agreed procedures , and which exceeds the total amount available for all staff .
16 Revenues generated by this channel did not go through the joint venture , rather through Kam Circuits , which contributed to its good performance .
17 Hammond did not go on the Irish expedition of 1649 , but remained on active service ; unlike Fairfax , he took part in the pre-emptive invasion of Scotland the following year .
18 I did not go into a perfect situation .
19 He did not go into the United Friendly office , where ex-girlfriend , Sandra Sturgiss , was working .
20 He did not go into the United Friendly office , where ex-girlfriend Sandra Sturgiss , was working , but staggered into a neighbouring office , ablaze from the waist upwards .
21 He did not go into the United Friendly office , where his ex-girlfriend , Sandra Sturgiss , was working .
22 Anna did not go to the front door but round the back .
23 Both of these places are within walking distance of Docklands but I did not go to the Great British Beer Festival .
24 But I did not go to the Great British Beer Festival .
25 One study showed that about half of teenage mothers did not go to the antenatal clinic until the third or fourth month , almost one in five had waited until the fifth month of pregnancy , and a few did not go at all .
26 All did not go against the Key Company , however ; prisoners were taken at some of the incidents , some carrying vital information .
27 His great virtue was that he did not rely on a single visit , but frequently returned after a period of years and was able to comment on progress — or lack of it — and the way in which new legislation was being implemented .
28 Indeed , gastrinoma growth did not appear as an essential factor and , as shown in Table IV , neither sex , level of hypergastrinaemia , duration of disease , nor the type and duration of antisecretory treatment can , independently , account for neoplastic changes .
29 The gentlemen 's titles did not appear on the hand-painted signs at the foot of the staircase ; in certain other Oxford colleges such practices were countenanced ; not , Mr Bullins thought proudly , in Magdalen , which , in his opinion , was not only the most beautiful college in Oxford but also the only one of any consequence .
30 Educational accountability emerged in the United States earlier than the United Kingdom , where the term did not appear in an official document until the publication of the ‘ Green Paper ’ .
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