Example sentences of "do not [verb] [noun] to the " in BNC.

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1 Why his Lordship should have concluded that the facts did not give rise to the issue is unclear , but subsequent events have shown that the decision has been of much greater importance for the scope of the right of public meeting than his Lordship imagined it would be .
2 By the autumn , however , the Russians , through their ambassador in Istanbul , Andrei Italinskii , began to threaten the sultan that if he did not make concessions to the Serbs they would intervene to enforce the disputed Article VIII of the Treaty of Bucharest ( see above , p. 81 ) .
3 One afternoon did not blind Brady to the demands of the future , however .
4 It did not do justice to the biblical doctrine of atonement .
5 ‘ What I have tried not to do is big black drawings of steel works , ’ said Mr Crowley , who was pleasantly surprised that his pre-conceived image of lots of chemical plants and an over-used river did not do justice to the scene .
6 Important though these duties were , they were fairly routine in character ; they did not bring Clanvow to the notice of a wider public .
7 While there were fluctuations , it seemed officers in charge did not draw attention to the periods when dependency levels were lighter .
8 The House may be interested to know that , because we were seeking to look at the effect of NHS management reforms over the first six months , we did not draw attention to the fact that the number of people who have been waiting for more than one year on in-patient lists is 37 per cent .
9 But he did not admit defeat to the extent of turning the television off ; he simply left it on and went into another room .
10 He did not seek re-election to the Parliament of 1685 and supported the Revolution of 1688 , subscribing money to the new regime .
11 All radiographs were interpreted by a single radiologist ( JK ) , who did not have access to the clinical data .
12 It may well be that the police did have justification in their reasonable fear that a breach of the peace would ensue if they did not remain where they were , and if they did not issue instructions to the appellants to leave .
13 Different laboratory practices do not permit direct comparison of values ; for example , Wilson et al used hyperbaric gas phase during incubation but a lower BrdU concentration in the medium , Risio et al did not add fluorodeoxyuridine to the medium to enhance BrdU uptake .
14 On Dec. 15 the Bissau government sent a protest note to the Senegalese authorities over the violation of its borders , reiterating that it did not provide support to the rebels .
15 For the same reason Harper did not transfer title to the finance company .
16 Mair , for example , in his study of sentencing in West Yorkshire magistrates ' courts found quite small differences between the race groups in sentences , but he did not incorporate committals to the Crown Court for sentence or for trial .
17 The details of the story of this major theory change , a change that took place over one and a half centuries , do not lend support to the methodologies advocated by the inductivists and falsificationists , and indicate a need for a different , more complexly structured account of science and its growth .
18 This new approach emphasizes the need for governments to operate macroeconomic policy in accordance with simple and predetermined rules which , on the whole , do not link policy to the current or past state of the economy .
19 Editor , — J K Aronson and M Hardman do not do justice to the range of antimiocrobial drugs for which monitoring of serum concentrations is necessary , and Aronson and D J M Reynolds include several statements that we find unacceptable in their review of monitoring of aminoglycoside antibiotics .
20 In abstract areas like these , statistical calculations , however sophisticated they may be , do not do justice to the complex web of inter-relationships .
21 In particular , it has been asked whether there are political mechanisms , other than dictatorship , that , without restricting the nature of the preferences of voters and the choices that they can make , do not give rise to the non-existence problem .
22 But they do not bring air to the underlying issues .
23 Do not return pills to the stock bottle if accidentally tipped out .
24 Thus many techniques for analysis and reaction presented through in-service training as ‘ cut flowers ’ , have failed to grow in schools because they do not make sense to the teachers once back in their schools .
25 They do not become parties to the treaty but to the Protocol , while the treaty parties are not parties to the Protocol .
26 However , the statistics seriously underestimate the incidence of rape , since the majority of women do not report cases to the police , considering that they have faced quite enough distress without taking such a case through the courts .
27 The example auditors ' reports given in the exposure draft are unlikely to help narrow the expectations gap because they do not include references to the inherent limitations of financial reporting and , in particular , to the need to recognise that the balance sheet is not intended to be a statement of a company 's net worth and that there can not be a guarantee that the company will survive as a going concern .
28 Now that sheep-stealing , forming trade unions and various other minor offences do not merit transportation to the colonies , a similar pardon may be granted to those who had been deemed worthy of such punishment in a different age .
29 The central heating system does not need to be drained provided that anti-freeze has been added via the feed-and-expansion cistern — do not add anti-freeze to the main cold water cistern .
30 For example , the TNCs that control the world grain trade are criticized if they do not sell grain to the Third World , and they are criticized if they do .
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