Example sentences of "they [was/were] [verb] in a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 They were quartered in a sumptuous villa next to the Roman baths and messed with their officers ( a notable departure from French Army custom ) at the best hotel in the town .
2 potatoes and then they were boiled in a big boiler .
3 By now they were living in a small town , Modyokerto .
4 About this time it was announced that pensioners whose means were insufficient to pay their rent were to have the amount made up by social security allowances even if they were living in a private home , so with a light heart I set about making application .
5 They were engaged in a creative and demanding attempt to revise the religion of their day and transform it from within .
6 They were built in a vital period of political turmoil , growing republican nationalism , and American and British imperialism , formal and informal .
7 People were far more willing to use them if they were diluted in a traditional herbal infusion like chamomile .
8 They were kept in a large room , hundreds and hundreds of them , and it was impossible to open the door without them all falling out .
9 And er they were kept in a special store which had to be three feet into the ground you know , for safety .
10 When asked what happened , 62% said they were touched in a sensual way ; 42% experienced someone touching their sex organs ; 33% were masturbated ; 28% were forced to show their sex organs to another person ; 25% were shown another person 's sex organs ; 24% touched another person 's sex organs ; 21% were talked to about sex in an erotic way ; 21% were shown pornographic material ; 16% took part in oral sex ; 10% were flashed at in a public place ; 5% were involved in sexual intercourse ( sometimes including anal sex ) ; and 3% were involved in kissing in a sensual way .
11 They were moving in a dark tide along the contours of the hills .
12 They were moving in a timeless hemisphere , and it was with a deep feeling of contentment that she descended back into reality .
13 They were coined in a later age as terms of disapprobation , even contempt .
14 Cleveland coroner , Michael Sheffield , said notes found in Mr Bourne 's room indicated they were written in a depressed state of mind but there were also some poems in a light vein .
15 And the changes in my day when , when I was working , we 'd have some leaflets but they were written in a very er sort of technical way .
16 They were placed in a gentle curve , about twenty traps in all , facing the outgoing tide .
17 They were placed in a mature planted tank on their own with a dense cloud of daphnia ( as security and food ) , along with twenty tadpoles .
18 They were placed in a large room with about thirty men .
19 We nevertheless ensured that as individuals they were selected in a random way , by using an earlier sample survey as our starting list .
20 They were settled in a remote area of Ross and Cromarty in Scotland , twenty miles from the nearest Asian family .
21 On the ground and first floors , products were displayed in a more domesticated , less austere atmosphere than in London with a deliberate attempt to make customers feel that they were shopping in a private house from an earlier century .
22 They were caught in a vicious circle : in low-paid jobs because they were women , while the jobs were low-paid because women did them .
23 Seconds later they were engulfed in a seething torrent of water that appeared as though by magic .
24 and they were mirrored in a dirty little ditch — very dirty — but in which some blades of spring grass were already sparkling . ’
25 They were standing in a narrow hall , with a bicycle propped against one wall and stairs leading down to a basement .
26 It was the deliberate disregard of the more sensuous and immediately appealing aspects of painting , and the temporary dismissal of all human and associational values , combined with the fact that they were working in a conceptual way , relying on memory as much as on visual models , that allowed the Cubists to distort and dislocate figures and objects to a degree hitherto unknown .
27 They were working in a foreign language with a teacher who was making far from usual demands .
28 They were carried on four pairs , of which the two middle ones were fixed , whereas to move sideways in a radial direction when going round a curve , though normally they were held in a straight line with the fixed wheels by a pair of springs in compression .
29 They were delivered in a small leather pouch . ’
30 Twenty minutes later they were sitting in a little restaurant drinking retsina .
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