Example sentences of "they [vb past] [to-vb] on [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 They failed to agree on a design , but the ‘ modern ’ image of electric cooking , particularly among young housewives , led to a gradual expansion of cooker sales .
2 The twelve environment ministers of the European Community have agreed that market forces can and should be used to environmental ends , but they failed to decide on the measures to be used or what the environmental ends should be .
3 If the union struggle was to have any success it would need to have the complementary support of a political party , but as the ‘ parties ’ were preoccupied with the fight for short term gain and not permanent principles , they failed to capitalise on the situation .
4 As he touched it Ramlal imagined the great gleaming motor-pump that they planned to set on the river bank to irrigate their fields .
5 I could feel the different textures of wood , gravel and asphalt racing beneath my fingers as they came to rest on the road , and was terrified of a car coming up the cul-de-sac and smashing my hand .
6 And they were so carried away , they forgot to put on the handbrake .
7 Apparently at this particular time there was a considerable amount of traffic on the road in question and traffic from one direction had halted in order to allow that the young girl and her friend to cross the road they began to cross on the zebra crossing but , as she reached the centre of the road Mrs was driving her vehicle in the opposite direction and she failed to stop the young girl , in her teens , was unable to take , avoiding acci action and she was knocked down as she crossed the road .
8 Worcester Juvenile Court has been hearing how three teenage boys wreaked havoc when they went to play on a building site .
9 They liked to check on the weather situation after briefing — they knew very well their lives could depend on the forecast .
10 But in the end they had to rely on a Tottenham error for a glimmer of home .
11 They need her for longer , but there 's no money available ; because of a shortage of funds , they had to rely on a charity to provide a … until they had pit he was in hospital with a chest infection every 2 weeks .
12 They had to rely on the stars instead .
13 To do this they had to trespass on the plaintiff 's land .
14 That 's right they had to go on a rota .
15 They had to relieve on the wards too .
16 well we always had entertained friends but we 'd never been in a position to put them up so that erm most of our friendly visits were from people who did n't live very far from us , it meant that families , nieces , nephews etcetera were difficult to accommodate because they had to sleep on a couch or a settee in the living room with all its diff difficulties , especially when it meant in the morning for breakfast you had to get them up and dressed before you could start thinking about breakfast , and I think that those sort of things are things that er people ought to take into consideration when thinking about new housing .
17 and erm , then of course when they reached Felixstowe , everything was a bit chaotic because th they had to sleep on the floor in the schools down there
18 But they had to take on the worry of people that could n't pay them .
19 She had to leave the floor , they had to walk , that 's right , they had to walk on the concrete floor without tiles on for a long time
20 Between January and May 1922 no money from any central agency was given to them , so they had to depend on the surplus of local revenues and gifts after the guberniia relief committee had made its own collections .
21 They continued to scrabble on the floor until all the spilt items had been retrieved .
22 But tonight they refused to comment on the court 's decision .
23 I asked children to think of a witches ' stew and this is what they suggested to put on a sign on the wall :
24 They wanted to get on the production line and turn out more breakfasts .
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