Example sentences of "they [vb past] [to-vb] the [noun] [subord] " in BNC.

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1 But they failed to stop the accident because staff were poorly trained .
2 The intention of the plaintiffs was , to my mind , clear ; they expected to recover the money if they won their action .
3 Furthermore , in forging a connection between juvenile employment and education , they helped to portray the transition as essentially an educational rather than a trade process .
4 They threatened to kill the hostages if three imprisoned militants were not released , and on April 10 , shortly before the expiry of their deadline , they killed Khera , and the following day the bodies of the remaining two hostages were found .
5 In a further message on Oct. 30. they threatened to kill the hostages if the government launched a new offensive against the cartel .
6 Between them they started to cover the shelter until it was time tor Tom to leave for a meeting in the village hall .
7 His hair was white , as my daughters reported when they went to view the body before it was given to the Odonata .
8 They had to do the lot so they give us an invoice , we took it in to insurance and they 're gon na write a cheque , deduct it off that thing
9 They had to close the window because of the insects .
10 They had to stop the machines because everybody was laughing see with Tara on the floor so Ann did n't even know she 'd fallen off the chair .
11 The court stated that they had to take the plaintiff as they found him .
12 They they had to they had to cut the scenes cos that Gary died half way through did n't he ?
13 I conceive they acted judicially , because they had to determine the offence , and they had to apportion the punishment as well as the remedy .
14 When they were asked whether they wanted to abandon the tournament if the rain did not ease the managers unanimously voted to continue .
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