Example sentences of "they [vb past] [to-vb] [prep] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 They failed to agree on a design , but the ‘ modern ’ image of electric cooking , particularly among young housewives , led to a gradual expansion of cooker sales .
2 They agreed to appear at a venue called Litchfields , basically a working men 's club on one of the town 's many estates .
3 ( No doubt , a future feminist biographer will revise our verdict on Elena Ceauşescu 's contributions to macro-molecular chemistry and maintain that far from plagiarizing Murgulescu and his colleagues , they tried to deny to a peasant woman the credit for her discoveries . )
4 Belief in evolution , as a cosmic guarantee of progress , was a part of this scientism ; but the physical sciences were just as important , because of the support they seemed to give to a reductionist philosophy .
5 This , with other and routine business , took him half a morning , during which Inspector Lane was out of the office on other business and the two young sergeants were in and out all the time ; they seemed to work as a unit .
6 ‘ I 've a rather special wine I 've been saving for you to sample , Naylor , ’ Guthrie addressed his nephew as they began to tuck into a starter of scampi in flaky pastry .
7 The Wolverines ' stock of blast and frag grenades would likewise be of little avail , though since each grenade hardly bulked larger than a coin the Scouts could at least retain their pursefuls of those in case they needed to kill at a distance .
8 had er B building lace machines had er had it , in the term , and they started to diversify into a variation of the hosiery , which was quite another speciality .
9 Linda 's family were visiting from Ireland and after visiting Thorpe Park in Surrey , they decided to stop at a pub on the way home .
10 Warning that he would not be so lenient in the future , Mr Peter said it seemed to him that there was a warning for operators here generally , if they decided to go to a tachograph analysis agent .
11 I mean , I remember mother saying that , you see mother had never seen the sea till she joined the Guild and they decided to save for an outing , and then the next thing I can remember was that we used to have these stamps every week and I think it come to two and ninepence erm and for that we went to Rhyl .
12 The research team acquired a mine of information , which they decided to put into a teaching pack for midwives and other health professionals , and it was then that the project began to take over Mrs Kelsall 's life .
13 Given their commitment and dedication , very often they will prove themselves right , as our Fibres people showed us when they decided to change from a bulk to a speciality business , in the face of our scepticism .
14 Worcester Juvenile Court has been hearing how three teenage boys wreaked havoc when they went to play on a building site .
15 There was a canteen for snacks in the building but they preferred to go to a bar in rue Pigalle where an Englishman , Fred Payne , would dish up their favourite meal which was still egg and chips .
16 They paused to stare at a cistern hanging on the wall next to a wash basin , the rest of the house having disappeared .
17 Arthur found the reasons for this unfathomable , but took it that they had to do with a comparison to his own looks .
18 With all the technological genius that can be raised in the USA to produce a B-1 supersonic bomber , they had to settle for a cruising speed of 1.25 times the speed of sound while the routine Concorde bus service across the Atlantic ticks over steadily at fully twice the speed of sound — and anyone who can afford to buy a ticket can experience it .
19 He said he was very heartened to hear the comments of those taking part ; all felt they had to finish as a matter of pride — they do not give up easily in Gawthorpe .
20 But in the end they had to rely on a Tottenham error for a glimmer of home .
21 They need her for longer , but there 's no money available ; because of a shortage of funds , they had to rely on a charity to provide a … until they had pit he was in hospital with a chest infection every 2 weeks .
22 They had to go through a lot of blocks .
23 That 's right they had to go on a rota .
24 Once in , they had to dive for a golf ball , put it in a bucket and return to the trapeze to do it all again — fun eh !
25 In particular they had to deal with a fire-bomb that might get lodged on the roof .
26 well we always had entertained friends but we 'd never been in a position to put them up so that erm most of our friendly visits were from people who did n't live very far from us , it meant that families , nieces , nephews etcetera were difficult to accommodate because they had to sleep on a couch or a settee in the living room with all its diff difficulties , especially when it meant in the morning for breakfast you had to get them up and dressed before you could start thinking about breakfast , and I think that those sort of things are things that er people ought to take into consideration when thinking about new housing .
27 Then they had to stop for a rest because they were so tired .
28 As they crossed to the supermarket they had to wait as an assistant wearing a jacket over his uniform wheeled a long line of trolleys from a loading bay into the store .
29 But they had to wait for a host of their rivals to commit pop suicide before they could begin the job of moulding this new discovery .
30 Turning to those who were referred by the GP to another agency , a major problem experienced by this group was the length of time they had to wait for an appointment ( see also Watson 1985 ) .
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