Example sentences of "they [vb past] [to-vb] [conj] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It was during that discussion that ( I think ) some of them began to appreciate that the existence of a form in the language is no guarantee that is used .
2 They failed to realise that the excursions , the painting , the model making and the drama were all necessary to generate interest and to build relationships and confidence .
3 They failed to see that the principle of subsidiarity as interpreted was inadequate to a modern society .
4 While propagandists of drainage , such as Dugdale , admired the corn and the oil-seed rape which could now be sown on the drained land , they failed to appreciate that the people of Axholme already grew sufficient corn for their needs on the higher land .
5 It is true that many of the experiments in this area were grossly inadequate in method : they failed to ensure that the individuals they studied were similar , apart from the single factor being scrutinized ; they relied unduly on mothers ' memories for information about early events ; their various findings could not be compared because of disagreement about what should be counted as ‘ early weaning ’ or ‘ harsh training ’ , and so on .
6 We followed the road up the valley , crossing and recrossing over bridges which became progressively more primitive until finally they ceased to exist and the track disappeared into the river to reappear at the far bank .
7 On the third morning , they arose to find that the blizzard had died down , to be followed by keen frost as the temperature plummeted .
8 However , none of the scaled-up versions of the models on test could survive the strength of the waves whose energy they sought to exploit and the conclusion reached was that the modifications needed to make them sufficiently strong would render them cost uncompetitive .
9 ( free on rail ) which meant that they undertook to see that the machine was conveyed to and loaded upon the train .
10 They preferred to believe that the universe had existed and would exist forever .
11 They paused to watch as a stretcher was carried past , the person obviously a corpse as a blanket was covering its face .
12 They had to wait while the Substitute put on his new galoshes , murmuring with a cigar between his teeth : ‘ Do n't want to miss anything this time … ’
13 But they had to return because an emergency fund from the Royal Society , which paid their bills , ran out .
14 Anyone wishing to buy furniture out of income rather than capital could have it at the cash payment price plus 5 per cent commission , a quarter of which they had to deposit before the goods were delivered .
15 In the category judgement task , they had to say whether the word " games " had any category members in Everyone at home played monopoly .
16 There was really no limit to the day : they had to work till the fish were finished .
17 They continued to argue that the Barnahely site was unsuitable , because it is water-logged and , during the winter , even flooded .
18 Here , some teachers found themselves , often for the first time in their careers , with the opportunity to engage in depth with a small number of individuals , yet were not always able fully to exploit the possibilities because sustained questioning and discussion at that level required them to have a clear framework of the kinds of question they wished to promote and a grasp of the ways a sequence of such questions related to the wider map of the curriculum area in which a particular learning task was located .
19 The justices further stated that they wished to ensure that the case did not drift and that a secure , stable and permanent carer should be found for L. , whether that carer be her mother or another family .
20 After all , the kinds of films that they wanted to see and the conditions that they were prepared to accept were now generally appreciated .
21 They took everything out of their boxes ; they returned their Christmas goods — yes , even today , and they wanted to know if the Kenwood would work in America .
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