Example sentences of "they [vb past] [adv] [adv] [verb] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 But it was very difficult for these for young , young couples with the er er men at the front and perhaps they 'd only just got married before the war and it was very hard lines on them .
2 They 'd apparently already decided to loan me to Carlisle Flint .
3 400e ) , they identified themselves with the state , or put themselves on a level with it : they did not openly claim to rule it .
4 Furthermore , who would guess , if they did not already happen to know , that the huge sum raised by plants was the achievement and gift of one family – the Crawfords ?
5 They did not even try to make their horses do what they wanted by the ordinary or commonplace methods of these days ; they believed that punishment was the best method of education , and this style of ‘ horsemanship ’ persisted into the seventeenth century and beyond .
6 They did not even consider doing this .
7 They did not therefore want to suggest of Christ that he was another God , which would create a polytheistic situation .
8 It was n't that the programmes were bad , but they did not actually choose to cover different topics from male current affairs teams , while the whole hypothesis had been that they would in fact cover different topics — that there were uncovered topics in social policy and the rest of it .
9 In short , teachers are helped to offer all children , as Quinton put it when reporting his and Rutter 's findings ( 1988 ) on the healing effects of teachers on children in even severe adversity , ‘ good school experiences , such as some form of success , accomplishment , sense of self-esteem or just pleasure in school activities ’ , with consequent better adjustment in adult life — even if they did not always seem to have an immediate effect ( ! ) .
10 It seems their relationship was so informal they did n't even bother to exchange surnames , ’ she added bitterly , before thrusting a slip of paper into Gina 's hands and continuing bleakly , ‘ Wendy wrote down the address of the flat for me .
11 The living room ceiling was hung with bunting , the kitchen smelt of roast turkey , the house was full of people who all knew each other intimately , the videos had been ordered and the sideboard was laden with drink and in fact everyone behaved just like it was a real family Christmas , except that Boy had sex with two other men in the bathroom , and they did n't even bother to lock the door because they knew that no one else there would mind , knew that they did n't have to hide what they were doing from the rest of the party .
12 They did n't even bother to use the gate but swung their legs over the low railing and walked straight in among the stones to where the girl was .
13 The band themselves , whoever , were apparently none to impressed by Mellor , to the point that they did n't even bother showing up for their own party !
14 I think the authorities then were so used to keeping everything secret , they did n't even think to tell us .
15 They did n't even stop to ask . ’
16 They got to Ryan 's bedroom just in time to stop a bunch of kids they did n't even know putting his treasured copy of the Beatles White LP on the turntable .
17 Finally it was time to tackle the design of the hotel 's talking-point — the vast fresh-water swimming-pool Stephen planned to construct to cater for guests who , having come thousands of miles to see the Caribbean , decided they did n't actually want to swim in it .
18 They did n't always stay ensnared ; often they were lost when a performance was bad and did n't sustain the magic .
19 He even bullied the women who came into his shop , selling them things they did n't really want to buy and refusing to stock things that they did .
20 Both their voices were low ; they did n't really mean to include him in the conversation , and it was noisy in the room ; people laughed and shouted , the music next door had been turned up .
21 It was n't till years later that I realised they had n't even remembered to ask if f was a lesbian .
22 He waved a disdainful hand at her holstered gun , which they had n't even bothered to remove .
23 Revealing details of Iraq 's latest assurances delivered on March 20 , Rolf Ekeus , head of the joint UN and International Atomic Energy Agency ( IAEA ) special commission on Iraq , told a press conference in New York the same day that his commission was " satisfied there are undertakings that the Iraqis are willing to go along with the destruction [ of ] capabilities " which they had not previously agreed to destroy .
24 He said that the magazine was in good health and that they had not even had to obtain a ‘ medical opinion ’ on the subject ( it was of course supported partly by a subsidy from Lady Rothermere ) , but that he would look into the Radcliffe Camera question .
25 The Russian nobility were much less formidable than their counterparts elsewhere , they had not yet begun to export grain , and for the great landowners serfdom was not an unmitigated blessing : as long as there was still peasant mobility they were in a position to attract labour away from the estates of their weaker rivals .
26 They seemed not to be , but it was difficult to be sure that they had not simply managed to turn away again in time .
27 They had not long to wait to discover whether Edward was in earnest or not .
28 Observers were said to be surprised at the decision to hold elections during the Christmas holiday period , when most Kenyans with jobs in cities would have returned to their rural homes in areas where they had not necessarily registered to vote .
29 They had only just managed to get on the vessel in time .
30 They had quite successfully avoided talking about those two lately but some time they would have to — that was if Fernando 's intentions were serious .
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