Example sentences of "they [vb past] [verb] for [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 They claimed to speak for traditional family values and found support from various fundamentalists — Orthodox Jewish , Roman Catholic , Baptist — in an attempt both to broaden their appeal among Haringey 's multiracial population and to strengthen their message that homosexuality was ‘ unnatural ’ in all cultures .
2 He then paid tribute to the Alresford Society , pointing out that when they started pushing for environmental improvements in the 1970s , it was before conservation had come into fashion .
3 Hubel and his colleagues had studied the visual cortex of the rhesus monkey for many years without observing these cells and it was only when the cytochrome oxidase blobs had been demonstrated consistently and they started to look for receptive-field properties within them that they obtained these surprising results .
4 A number of organisations to which we spoke provided ( paid ) training for people filling such positions , despite the fact that they would only be working for them on a casual basis and might even use the skills they acquired working for other organisations .
5 They had embraced for mutual comfort .
6 At the very first meeting in St Margaret 's Hope village hall they had asked for monetary pledges , at the second meeting in the local school they said it was time to call in those promises and start counting the cash .
7 Round about the time of the miners ' ballot , hospital workers were holding meetings in South Yorkshire hospitals where only months earlier they had voted for all-out strike action .
8 Those who had a reasonable chance of survival received an allowance from the health department of the local authority , but those incurables who needed financial help were made aware of their grim prospects because they had to apply for public assistance instead .
9 And I think really this comes from the problem of those pupils in the streamed situation , in the bottoms streams in particular , who found that they wanted alternatives to school , when the , they were in an inferior position in the school , they were devalued if you like by finding themselves in the bottom streams , and so they tended to look for out-of-school things , alternatives to school , from which to gain their satisfactions , and they would look to the pop media , to fashion , to football , to these kinds of things , and in the mixed ability situation this certainly did not happen in the same way .
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