Example sentences of "they [vb base] [vb pp] [adv] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 There 's all this jelly stuff and they get fed up with that
2 They admit that they get pissed off with bad gigs , not getting enough sleep and tour vans breaking down so often that they end up ‘ losing it ’ and crawling over the banks of motorways looking for crisp packets .
3 They influence development , and they get passed on to future generations .
4 The reason that people do not generally look into alternative credit terms in any detail certainly is not that they feel pushed willy-nilly into one particular type of credit .
5 And then sti they 've gone up to one ten now for .
6 Yeah one seventy nine he put them to , and then he put them up to one eighty two or summat and then they 've gone up to one eighty nine I think they are .
7 they 've gone right over that bank , right over that bank , right over there , it 's bounced over
8 So out of that stalemate negotiations have begun and they 've gone on for three years .
9 Now they 've gone off to other groups handing out food , like Food for Work and the Mothers ' Clubs where they do weaving and knitting and things like that . ’
10 Turns out they 've done damn-all since Flannan Isle in the First Year .
11 The Experience consists of four young men who look , talk and act as if they 've grown up in good families , graduated from decent schools , and dress as if they shop at just the right places — Paul Smith , say , or Emporio Armani .
12 The tunnels were built in the reign of George the third … but engineers say they 've stood up to two centuries of wear remarkably well .
13 And in fact they 've gone one place down the table , they 've moved down to eighteenth with West Brom having a good win away at Blackburn .
14 In the past they 've called publicly for notorious joy riders to be held in secure units .
15 But now EMI has been accused of exploiting its workforce — in particular , by deliberately sacking casual staff before they 've worked there for two years , thereby depriving them of statutory redundancy pay and other employment rights .
16 She said that , ah , because they 've put on minus three thousand pound wha , a loan that she had .
17 He says that in previous cases where they 've taken over contracts they 've offered up to 98 per cent of employees their jobs back .
18 Of course , they 've got out of all recognition today , but three a penny fresh herren were at that time .
19 Thirteen pound fifty two they 've got out of nine hundred people .
20 Whether they 've got down to thirty eight , I do n't know but it was a forty hour week when I finally left .
21 erm We were playing very well at the time , Henley were n't ; they 've improved out of all proportion since Christmas and we 've been up and down , we 've played some really good games and one or two not so good .
22 Travel agents say they 've sold out of foreign holidays as thousands head for the sun over the Easter Bank holiday .
23 I think we owe it to people like or at least to give them another crack at the whip to see if they 've come on in that interim period cos it 's a good six months since we interviewed
24 But now they 've come up with two original-design guitars .
25 These guitars represent total design philosophies , not marketing exercises where a manufacturer or ad agency has tried to hoodwink us into believing the instrument really is different because its headstock is slightly more rounded than the Ibanez — or whatever other triviality they 've come up with that month .
26 Many people have looked at this before and they 've come up with various prognostic markers , some of which are extremely complicated .
27 Either way it should be helpful Now , interestingly people , more recently , and by that the late seventies and the eighties , have attempted to actually operationalise and measure the principles and they 've come up with some fairly ingen ingenious experimental designs to take tha to explore these avenues .
28 The 18 months that Del Amitri have been away from the spotlight have n't been wasted and they 've come up with some belting songs to prove it .
29 And they 've come up with several suggestions .
30 But together , they 've come up with this ; a life-size bronze statue of a railway navvy , typical of the hundreds who helped build the Chiltern Line at the start of the century .
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