Example sentences of "they [vb base] [adv prt] in [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Before leaving , Risdon tied up both men , left them face down in the bathroom , and fired a gun into the mattress , ’ claimed Mr Curtis .
2 And I warn you , if any of my designs or anything like them turn up in the showroom at the House of Oliver I shall sue — and win the sort of damages that will put your little friend out of business for good .
3 This type of alteration is called saussuritisation , and other similar types of hydrothermal alteration can be recognised in the other igneous rocks of the igneous complex of south Harris where they crop out in the thrust zone .
4 Racism poisons a lot of children 's minds — they grow up in an environment with all these images around them , in comics , newspapers , TV , films , plus everything they hear from the family or friends — they just can not help taking it in .
5 If these lines come into contact with others of ‘ foreign ’ material such as a polyester , then they melt through in a trice and your kite is away , floating down on the breeze leaving you with two rather expensive short ends .
6 The abnormal proteins produced by these degenerative diseases are relatively indigestible , so they build up in the lysosome .
7 It 's just a bit unfortunate in my opinion , what they put up in the place .
8 And here she 's telling Ruth , now what you 've got ta do , she 's she 's got him , she 's got her introduced to Boaz and she tells him it 's a strange custom , one that 's perhaps even stranger in our eyes today but there er after the party , the great harvest supper she 's , the the they lie down in the barn together , they all just , they 're tired it 's , it 's , the party 's gone on into the wee hours of the morning , and there they just , they do n't bother going home , they lie down there in the barn together all of them and she says to Ruth what you must do according to the custom is , you go and you lie at the feet of Boaz and wait , just wait , and wait for him to respond to you .
9 They were waiting to pounce , I know it ; that 's how they live ; they hang about in the dark , watching ( such a creature will see in the dark , never fear ) and listening and feeling for the minuscule rise in temperature and small vibrations which signal a passing vascular system , then they hop on board and they … suck .
10 They stand out in a city that seems , until one discovers its finer corners , architecturally roughhewn .
11 They might think of glass-cased collections of curios , but they rarely think about the old house next door , the ridges and mounds in the field down the road , or the bits of old pottery that they dig up in the garden .
12 Er and things like sort of er midday and a late evening er usually fine , and then you have y quite a lot of asthmatics say they wake up in the night , somewhere between two to five .
13 A common method for collecting dream reports is to ask people to keep dream diaries — to write down , as soon as they wake up in the morning , any dreams that they can remember .
14 I read in that book in the library I told you about that the people who have it , the AIDS sufferers , they wake up in the morning soaking .
15 In addition to jobs , the measurable benefits of economic TNPs include the exports due to foreign firms , and the backward linkages that they set up in the host economy , that is the locally produced goods and services they purchase , either from existing firms or from firms established primarily to supply the TNCs .
16 TWO boozy pals were caught by astonished police after they set off in a car — with BOTH of them driving .
17 Bridget murmured as they set off in the direction of Geoffrey 's rooms .
18 I think if you ask any housewife , if they 're honest , they 'll turn round and say they feel like a drudge half the time — everybody thinks when they get up in the morning ‘ Oh no , I 've got the same old things to do today , till I go to bed tonight . ’
19 And a major problem is where will all the refugees go when they arrive back in the country .
20 Particles moved up the beach by the breaking waves do so normal to the direction of approach of the waves , but they roll down in the direction of the steepest beach gradient .
21 Grasses will help to build up the feeling of luxuriance and they add their own special grace when they sway about in the breeze .
22 They murmur along in the water driven by gentle contractions .
23 You 'll need to get agreement from everyone that if they end up in the minority they will bide by the majority decision .
24 A lot of players are being released by League clubs these days that would have been kept on before , so they end up in the Conference .
25 We 've had the speakers up here saying that they 're going out , they 're knocking on doors , so you know , it 's not just about money , but I tell you what if they go on in the way they 're going on there 's no way Joe Bloggs is going out quite tonight on a vote night saying come out and give us your vote .
26 The approach of the two men to each other is conducted like a ritual , a crucial moment of which comes when they go up in a plane together for the first time .
27 Use these every time they go out in the sun and you 'll help reduce the risk of serious skin damage later in life .
28 At the end of it when the whole vocal had been recorded , David said to this guy , ‘ Just out of interest , is this my original lyric ’ The guy said , ‘ Oh no , it 's a beautiful ballad about a boy and girl and they go out in the mist on the mountain ’ .
29 Until she decides to have another ripping I 'll be glad next year when they go out in the garden again , do you know what I mean ?
30 can see them and they 're much , they look a happier than they do out in the cold .
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