Example sentences of "they [vb base] [prep] the [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Then dropping not one , but two balls will be an effective strategy because the gravitational forces acting on them converge toward the centre of the Earth as in Fig. 2.1 .
2 I step on a few and watch them crack in the middle like a sheet of glass .
3 All of them add to the quality of life of the residents , and many of them may also help you enjoy your work too .
4 Many of them go through the freedom of Grendon , only to be returned to the rough and tumble of ordinary jails to finish their sentences .
5 But there are quite a few contracts which are still temporary , most of them go to the end of June .
6 It was at a dinner party in the flat , when they were in the kitchen together fetching yogurt and raspberries , that I heard for the first time one of them turn on the other in anger .
7 In their first scene together , where Fluellen begins with a feeling of respect for Pistol 's bravery at the bridge ( how obtained we know not ) , they dispute about the iconography of the goddess Fortune , Pistol in verse , Fluellen in prose , more coherently ( III.vi.20–60 ) .
8 They dance on the surface among the flies .
9 ‘ I 'm the Great Anarch , ’ Piper said conversationally , ‘ I order the spheres as they dance in the vault of space . ’
10 They say they dance in the sky at a carnival at the end of the world — have you seen them ? ’
11 Since s. 2(2) OLA 1957 requires the occupier to take such care as is reasonable to see that visitors will be reasonably safe in using the premises for the purposes for which they are invited or permitted by the occupier to be there , lawful visitors will be owed a duty only in so far as they remain within the scope of their invitation or permission to be on the premises .
12 Labour 's ‘ radical ’ plans are to be welcomed for the vision they bring of the kind of urban public transport that is more or less taken for granted in western Europe .
13 John Ricks , a farmer near Colchester , says his onions cost 9p a lb wholesale ; packing and transport costs 10p ; they sell in the supermarket for 29p .
14 One attempt to model only critical variables which determine yield has been made by Stocking and Pain ( 1983 ) where they concentrate upon the impact of erosive forces upon the availability of minimum moisture levels .
15 The European grants , correctly assigned to Northern Ireland due to its isolation within the market and its relative poverty , should not be gobbled up by parsimonious Treasury Ministers as they hide behind the concept of additionality .
16 They sit on the board of more than one company , and this creates a network of interlocking directorships , which is illustrated in Figure 2 .
17 They sit in the dust of the vanished cattle .
18 So even if they are inadvertently or wilfully slipping down a couple of hundred more calories than they intend in the course of a day , they might still find themselves clocking up a decent weight loss on the scales each week .
19 When there is tension in the neck and spine , particularly where they connect to the brain at the base of the skull , blood flow is impeded .
20 Specific cultures are themselves dynamic , in particular they change under the influence of technology .
21 They distinguish between the function of language as imparting meaning , ‘ making statements which can be assigned a set of truth conditions ’ ( ibid. ) , and its function of regulating and maintaining social or interpersonal relations between people .
22 The plumed seeds of Dischidia parvifolia ( Asclepiadaceae ) are wind-dispersed but , if they land in the vicinity of ant nests , they are gathered and taken into tunnels , where they germinate and their roots gain access to nutrients in the insect frass .
23 They are both over 450 yards and their design , as they curve through the protection of the heavy trees with a scattering of bunkers on the angles of the fairways , induces tremors in even the most hardened competitors .
24 National styles in music can be powerful , especially when the listeners of one nation are presented with music so powerfully impressed with what they perceive as the style of another .
25 What is less clear is the extent to which a demonstrable need must be proven before they insist on the adoption of otherwise practicable control measures .
26 Today , Holbrook and his supporters , opposing the shift of emphasis to ‘ relevant ’ social or environmental studies , simply disclaim the accusation of endorsing middle-class values ; they insist upon the universality of the literary experience which , if neglected , will mean severe imaginative deprivation for children continually exposed to what , they argue , are the banalities of the mass media . [ … ]
27 Although G. H. Bantock and David Holbrook attack the ‘ watered-down ’ curriculum for secondary modern children , they insist upon the value of literature in the school experience of all pupils .
28 They make for the stairwell with Crilly firmly in hand , blasting upwards like stiff navy rockets .
29 Not all their reactions by any means are negative ; you can capitalize ( in your efforts to foster understanding and friendship ) on any steps they make in the direction of greater independence and on any interest ( or overtures of affection ) shown towards the infant sibling .
30 These guys do n't blow women away ( in fact they flinch at the sight of guns ) but they exclude the opposite sex from their inner life .
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