Example sentences of "they [vb base] [noun] for [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Recent trends in the geography of voting in Great Britain pose major problems for all political parties as they develop strategies for the next general election .
2 In so far as the actions since 1979 have politicized areas hitherto relatively immune to such considerations they provide pretexts for a future Labour government to intervene in these spheres .
3 In general they seek provision for the forthcoming financial year .
4 They provided education , free education , free health services erm one of the modern communication system and ports erm and they ensure job for every Kuwaiti , so you will not find an unemployed Kuwaiti , as soon as he is able to do one job or another the Government provided the training for a large number of Kuwaiti to provide technical works .
5 The law demanded that they attend school for the few hours they were not in the theatre , but time spent on education was minimal as the pantomime was so popular that there were matinées most days .
6 Ironically , Gough 's rash challenge on Ferguson at Tannadice resulted in a booking which carries him over the disciplinary points threshold and costs Rangers the services of their captain when they visit Arbroath for the Scottish Cup , quarter-final tie on 6 March .
7 Zealots may feel their blood quicken when they hear calls for a holy war ; many of the imams who denounce the presence of infidel troops on Islamic soil know they owe their livelihoods to Saudi money .
8 So it 's not surprising they draw the racist conclusions — the blacks are getting jobs , housing etc. at their expense ; and so they become fodder for the National Front .
9 Mr Edwards also detects caution in employers who are recruiting : ‘ They hire people for a specific period , maybe one or two years , so that at the end of that time they can decide whether or not to renew their contract or make them redundant .
10 In fact , many organisations have reduced this and other functions to such an extent that they use consultants for a wide variety of activities whether it be for strategy advice , for marketing , production , organisation development , training or indeed executive search .
11 They go quite privately ; they buy tickets for the Grand Tier and , although a detective goes too , no one knows the Princess of Wales is in the house until they find themselves sitting behind her .
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