Example sentences of "they [adv] [coord] [verb] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 How might such processes be affected in female readers ' responses to stories about males , which concern traditionally male interests and which frequently exclude them altogether or restrict them to a passive role ?
2 Declaring variables as local , creates them locally and initialises them to zero/null .
3 She had indeed once worked for a silversmith but had discovered that it was much easier to buy beads and acquire old pieces of jewellery , rearrange them artistically and sell them on market stalls throughout the country .
4 Any system which is exhaustively described by Figure 9 would be incapable of repeating nonsense words or reading them aloud or writing them to dictation .
5 There did n't seem anything else to do except take them inside and put them in water .
6 Sometimes when the little ones were weakly or had been abandoned by their mothers , we would have to take them inside and feed them by hand .
7 With help from a tutor I finally put them together and fitted them into the cubic box I was given .
8 Anyone who has seen the martins and swallows in September , assembling on the telephone wires , twittering , making short flights singly and in groups over the open , stubbly fields , returning to form longer and even longer lines above the yellowing verges of the lanes — the hundreds of individual birds merging and blending , in a mounting excitement , into swarms , and these swarms coming loosely and untidily together to create a great , unorganized flock , thick at the centre and ragged at the edges , which breaks and re-forms continually like clouds or waves — until that moment when the greater part ( but not all ) of them know that the time has come : they are off and have begun once more that great southward flight which many will not survive ; anyone seeing this has seen at work the current that flows ( among creatures who think of themselves primarily as part of a group and only secondarily , if at all , as individuals ) to fuse them together and impel them into action without conscious thought or will : has seen at work the angel which drove the First Crusade into Antioch and drives the lemmings into the sea .
9 " We 're going to string them together and hang them on our Christmas tree . "
10 Even though no two people speak or write in just the same way , groups of people share sufficient language characteristics ( of accent , vocabulary and grammar ) to bind them together and to distinguish them from other groups .
11 You must tie them together and bury them under the great gate of the city .
12 He shuffled papers , bringing them together and placing them to one side , face downwards .
13 Cos I got them out and I thought I must take them downstairs and give them to Maggie for her to give them to Gary .
14 There is nothing essentially new in thus narrowing the scope of will ; most of mankind throughout most of its history seems to have taken it for granted that they were moved by forces from beyond them and mysterious to them , which might lift them above or drag them below the capacities of which they might presume to be in command ( in Christian theology , the unpredictable visitations of divine grace assisting a will otherwise impotent to resist the Devil ) , and in the present century , ever since Freud demonstrated that the same conception of man could be translated from a religious into a psychological language , we have found ourselves thinking our way back to it .
15 When at last we got home , I would gently carry them indoors and put them into their beds , still asleep .
16 Ronni carried them indoors and laid them on the kitchen table , scarcely able to bear the mouth-watering aromas that were escaping from beneath the tin foil .
17 ‘ We could take them home and sell them as pets .
18 I do n't really want ano , sickly , take them home and give them to Paul
19 Traps should wither kill them instantly or confine them for release elsewhere .
20 She scraped them carefully and put them in a steel pan , covering them with the bottled still water in which they would be boiled , thereby retaining the vitamin C which would otherwise have been poured down the sink .
21 So I urge anyone with a garden to visit Sainsbury 's , keep back a few potatoes at the end of the season , before Christmas store them carefully and plant them in the spring .
22 He greeted them briskly and folded himself into a chair .
23 Do you want to give them now or do it at the end ?
24 Well Laura and Gemma wanted to make these pasties and she 'd asked me at the weekend and I did n't have the time because I think Irene came down cos I asked Irene whether she 'd looked after , you know I 'm at college until three , and she said yeah I 'll pick them up and er I could n't get her out at then so I promised she could make them so , I said alright you and Gemma make them , anyway they did very well they made them in about fifteen minutes because we had to go and get Emily at four from school , I said hurry up , hurry up put the water in Emily quick stick them together shove them now and put them in the oven
25 On that last night they finished packing their bundles , tied them securely and left them in the kitchen ready for the morning .
26 Colas sees them there and ties them to his own crook .
27 The realisation that we teach children more effectively if we understand them fully and set them against the social and cultural conditions in which they live and grow , places an expectation upon the teacher which can not be prescribed by contract .
28 Quickly , glancing back to the tent , he gathered up the limbs and torso , wrapped them in the discarded skins , tied them crudely and gathered them into his arms .
29 When he had gone out , she gathered up their scattered clothes then folded them tidily and put them on a chair .
30 The doctor , however , acted in ways he found wholly admirable , and he thought that when he did get out he would apply his methods of handling patients — getting hold of them firmly and putting them into the right positions — to the positioning of his models .
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