Example sentences of "they [modal v] [adv] [verb] [noun] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Stress affects the circulatory system : heart rate increases , people are aware of their heart pounding ; blood pressure increases ( some people claim it decreases ) ; they suffer from nose bleeds ; they may even have heart attacks , strokes or other serious circulatory problems .
2 They may also enhance endorphin release .
3 The sulphonylureas increase plasma insulin levels in patients in whom they are effective and they may also enhance tissue sensitivity to insulin via a postreceptor effect ( Lockwood et al , 1984 ) .
4 Local education authorities will contribute through staffing and clerical costs they may also provide office space and equipment , etc .
5 In heat exhaustion ( when the person has the symptoms of mild shock — cold , clammy , pale , tired , nausea , raised heart rate , they may also have muscle cramps ) if the level of consciousness is affected ( drowsy and dull ) or they do not show signs of increasing strength and vitality after an hour of cool rest .
6 This is because , should they be wounded , or should a small cut become infected , they may temporarily lose peak condition .
7 I imagine that the brunt of this will be borne by younger voters , many of them voting for the first time , who possibly do not realise that in addition to voting they must also pay poll tax .
8 They must not forget sabbath law in the coming busy seasons of sowing and harvest .
9 Shadow National Heritage spokesman Ann Clywd was also pleased with the Government 's plans but warned they must not put pools staff out of work .
10 They must surely possess Perrier water . ’
11 But they should not flog Mr Devine .
12 I mean , if someone 's in prison , they should n't tell people news like that .
13 They should also inform board members of training opportunities offered by a range of providers .
14 They should seriously consider Liverpool people and give them a chance , particularly as it is an area of high unemployment . ’
15 If needed , they 'll also offer emergency evacuation for any casualties .
16 ‘ Unfortunately , we 've been caught up in the crossfire and we 've had people on to us saying they 'll never smoke Camel cigarettes again .
17 Sometimes of course you 'll , they 'll still need ledger line notes up there .
18 They could n't make emergency payments themselves , but if I went down to the social security office …
19 They might muffle his body and cover his face as they would , but they could not hide Harry Talvace from Aelis .
20 Neglect of this obvious truth led to computer programs ( say , for language analysis ) being regarded as failures if they could not record 100% success .
21 East German nuclear power plants would have to be closed down immediately , because they could not meet EC safety norms .
22 But Palestinians rejected the offer and said they could not resume peace talks until all the deportees were returned .
23 Craig Brewin , chairman of the Football Supporters Association , said fans who could not get tickets for big matches would face ‘ frustration ’ if they could not afford satellite dishes .
24 This prohibition on other forms of lending meant that they could not issue cheque guarantee cards because they would then be obliged to honour cheques of depositors who overdrew their accounts thereby , in effect , giving them an overdraft .
25 As we saw earlier , societies were previously inhibited in this by the fact that they could not issue cheque guarantee cards .
26 I made the mistake of telling two non-hill-walking friends that they could easily manage Creag Meagaidh .
27 They could even study community charge registers .
28 According to officers stationed at Darlington , the silent majority now support Mr Thompson 's plans and believe they could even speed response times to house fires in the town .
29 Moreover they could always use family labour or import casual labour to carry out any essential work .
30 There is a minority who feel that they could never accept women priests .
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