Example sentences of "they [modal v] [verb] [to-vb] the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Management may wish to acquire the assets and business or they may wish to buy the shares of Target .
2 As they expand and gain in political significance , they may act to constrain the actions of their own host governments : reciprocity will be needed .
3 As secretary of the Federation , it will be my duty to report the facts to its Central Council and I shall , advise them that it will be their duty to issue an order to all Seamen 's unions throughout the world and the dockers and other transport workers that they must refuse to recognise the members of any local union of seamen which may be established at the Port of Southampton or elsewhere .
4 A group of Russian teenagers are studying at the Abbey International College ; they 'll help to show the orphans around :
5 They prepare for the expedition , making lists of equipment and supplies , passports , negotiating to hire an appropriate boat ( Maths as well — they 'll have to calculate the costs involved — and Science ) .
6 Having done that , they might want to visit the Hawthorns to see how today 's students are fed .
7 Because there was no sign that Marian and Allen had regained the highway ahead of them the verderers agreed that there were three possibilities : the first , that the children would lie hidden for some time in dense woodland until it was safe for them to return to the ride ; the second , that they would try to work their way around the Swamp to the north but that since they would be away from paths this would be difficult and slow ; and the third , that they might try to reach the outlaws ' camp by passing the Swamp to the south .
8 Their patronage may not launch you to instant international attention , but they might help to raise the takings at your next gig in the junior Common Room or village hall , simply by listing the date , time and place .
9 The Bradleys talked about whether or not they could afford to keep the services of Annie McCafferty , and they decided to do so , at least for the time being .
10 In this way Better Shoe obtained a mailing list which they could use to mail the mothers further information when the child was nine months old .
11 They 've come back and now they could begin to experience the blessings that God had planned for them .
12 There are already a lot of Puritans on the London City Council , and they 'd love to close the theatres down . ’
13 They 'd love to see the Yanks dig themselves out of this hole .
14 Normally they 'd pay to have the contents safely removed .
15 She told how the police and social workers came into her house , and said they 'd come to remove the children .
16 One in eight said they would prefer to have the instalments collected individually .
17 If East Germans have the freedom to choose , can we really be confident that they would prefer to face the difficulties of establishing a capitalist economy and democratic system on their own ?
18 They would prefer to keep the mysteries of nature as mysterious as possible .
19 now do I do n't suppose I 'm the only person that 's been in a pub toilet , a ladies toilet and I 've heard the females in the toilet saying what , exactly what they would like to do the males !
20 To some commentators this appears to leave too much scope for giving continued weight to parental wishes , and they would like to see the sections worded ‘ first and paramount consideration ’ .
21 Certain ‘ representatives of the Afghan people ’ would be admitted only at the second stage of the conference and they would need to accept the decisions of the conference .
22 It is significant that the Liberal Democrats , unlike Labour , see a central role for the law and the courts in promoting citizenship : they would seek to clarify the obligations of the state and the rights of the citizen in law .
23 To do this , they would have to examine the parts in relation to each other since they work together to maintain the organism .
24 They would begin to appreciate the problems of daily life in the past without modern labour-saving equipment , and appreciate just how long it took to do even simple tasks .
25 They will do so within the law ; and they will continue to bring the criminals before the courts .
26 They will want to place the promises that Labour is now making to them in that historical context .
27 No , I do not , because I believe that the electorate will judge by results and that , even before the trusts are up and running , they will begin to see the benefits that will flow from the trusts .
28 ‘ If students are to be well grounded in a healthy and promising attitude to fluvial geomorphology , they will have to grasp the ideas contained in this book . ’
29 And if governments wish to achieve their targets for cutting carbon dioxide emissions , they will have to address the priorities of industry and electorates .
30 They will have to provide the chauffeurs with somewhere to sleep and are having to build an extra wing .
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