Example sentences of "they [modal v] [verb] [verb] for [adj] " in BNC.

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1 That relics of them should have survived for such a vast period of time seemed even more difficult to believe .
2 Many would regularly ‘ pop their ticker ’ — pawn the watch they may have bought for five pounds , on which they may have raised forty pounds or more in loans , as Melanie Tebbutt showed in Making Ends Meet ( 1983 ) .
3 ‘ Presumably they must have to pay for all the preparation leading up to an operation of this sort , and pay the staff who are waiting around .
4 They must have longed for quiet and solitude , for space to shed their tears in private , or even to vent their anger , but none of them showed it in public .
5 No matter about the slump in the property market , nor that there does n't seem to be any money about : they 'll come running for these .
6 Thorfinn said , ‘ If the landings take place on the north side , they 'll have to look for more boats upriver and get themselves across till we can come . ’
7 This would build up a fund from which they could afford to bid for new discoveries at fair market prices .
8 Even if someone wanted to have their dog put down they could have applied for financial help . ’
9 If two together had happened upon a dead man , they could have spoken for each other . ’
10 Yeah , originally they 'd have ducked for three
11 If they were here , 1 am sure that they would support new clause S. The reason that they are not here is because they feel that they would have to vote for new clause 5 if they were here , so they have absented themselves from the debate .
12 The major field monuments , which are better documented , almost certainly provided the foci in the landscape , around which such subsistence settlements would have been placed and to which they would have looked for some specialised goods and services .
13 ‘ If the museum had n't offered an opportunity , they would have looked for another . ’
14 Given that they would have to look for other offices , the partners decided to take the opportunity to merge the three Isle of Wight offices and reap the benefits of the resulting economies of scale .
15 She says that they all thought they would have to look for other jobs .
16 Had they seen billions of neutrons as well as the heat then they would have known for sure that fusion was occurring ; and may already have begun to worry about their health from prolonged exposure .
17 Will he undertake that when he and my right hon. Friend the Minister go to Brussels next week for that crucial meeting , they will continue to fight for British agriculture as a whole and not bend over backwards to please MacSharry , as the Opposition would do ?
18 The prosecutor tells them that if they both confess they will go to jail for ten years ; if neither confesses they will get two years ; if only one confesses he ( the confessor ) will get just one year while his fellow prisoner goes down for 20 .
19 As we have seen , the establishment of NAB , with its very strong representation from the local authorities , creates a new environment for the polytechnics , and the colleges and institutes of higher education , to which they will have to adjust for some years to come .
20 Small groups , say three or four , agree among then , selves that they will try to cover for each other when one of the group has a problem .
21 When we get to 12 o'clock , some of them will have waited for three hours .
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