Example sentences of "they [be] [verb] [verb] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Cornwall is the Cornucopia , the compleate and repleate Horne of Abundence , for high churlish Hills and affable courteous people : they are loving to requite a kindness , placable to remit a wrong , and hardy to retort injuries ; the country hath its share of huge stones , mighty rocks , noble , free Gentlemen , bountiful housekeepers , strong and stout men … handsome , beautiful women and ( for all that I know ) there is not one Cornish Cuckold to be found in the whole county .
2 The essays in this book do not amount to a programme : but they are intended to provide a springboard for one .
3 They are intended to provide an opportunity for pupils of all abilities to show what they can do in realistic activities that themselves contribute to learning .
4 That enticing possibility is why they are bound to have a go .
5 When they are asked to sign a piece of paper they moan and groan , and get paranoid about people trying to peep at them in their luxury .
6 They are asked to produce a specimen report , listing those features that they consider to be important .
7 In role they are asked to complete a census return : who are they , where do they live , what do they do for a living ?
8 Once the person has understood what types of thoughts or images the therapist is looking for they are asked to keep a diary record of the daily occurrence of anxiety and related thoughts .
9 The Famous Grouse , like all the 1991 World Cup sponsors , had a first refusal option included in their contract ; in other words they are asked to make a bid for 1995 before the marketing agent goes to the open market .
10 Chantelle says that the Gloucester area has lots of good young skiers and they were n't being given a chance so she formed the club and the response has been overwhelming … they survive thanks to parents but they are hoping to find a sponsor … it 's not like a football team or tennis club because they have British champions
11 And I know they are hoping to have a talk to you , too , because all of us here at Burleigh realize how important it is to get a — ah — total picture of the child , of his problems , his hopes , his ambitions , his — ah — ah — Hmmm .
12 They are discussing organising a barbecue and disco for after the Mass .
13 This practical data must be successfully communicated to clients before they are invited to sign a contract , thereby committing them to purchase the new property .
14 They are seen to have an existence apart from any given system in which they are involved , their reality does not depend solely upon their involvement in the system under examination ( Gouldner , 1970 , pp. 215–16 ) .
15 The authorities , protectors of public morality , make categorical declarations in the press , stating that they are determined to put an end to vice and prostitution .
16 They are determined to find an answer to what could so nearly have been a tragedy .
17 With R&D they are looking for new products ; with community programmes they are looking to develop an environment that is good for business . ’
18 The others will chip in if they agree , but they will they are , they are wanting to set a missile to move , they 're wanting to send a bullet , they are wanting to s to evoke emotion or anger or rage or frustration or political bias or to change attitudes now for example the interesting thing about the Princess Diana erm the headline on one of those tabloids which talks about exile is I suspect that they want to evoke the constitutional crisis which there was at the time of
19 He would have liked to add , In America , they are trying to put an end to all this nonsense , to all these gifts .
20 And the aim is that the conversations are going to be anonymous and they are trying to compile a dictionary of words that people actually use , rather than a dictionary for people who do crosswords .
21 Finally should any elderly residents approach officers complaining of being assaulted or mugged , they should be closely questioned to ascertain if they are trying to provoke a riot .
22 They are trying to find somewhere suitable or , alternatively , they are trying to make a documentary about the area , having heard that the inn is haunted .
23 Of course they would not , because just like me they are trying to find an answer that is as close as possible to what is best for their nations and for Europe as a whole .
24 In other words , they are trying to develop a pump that a village caretaker could maintain with a single spanner .
25 However , teenagers do not go out saying to themselves that they are going to smash a couple of telephone boxes or fight another group of teenagers .
26 Peter:I think he will be here in 12 mths time , I Do n't think Mr Fowler will be at least not as party chairman , another prediction I will make I think the Tories will get a drubbing in the local elections in May , I think they are going to get a drubbing in the Euro elections in June .
27 The value of anticipatory mourning has been proved in hospital work , where patients who know in advance that they are going to have an operation which entails the loss of a breast , a testicle or a limb have an opportunity to talk before the operation about their fears and anxieties .
28 Come the upturn , they are going to make a lot of money . ’
29 With players of the quality of Butragueno , Michel , Martin Vazquez , Sanchis and Chendo available they should do better , but a big improvement is needed if they are going to make an impact in Italy .
30 Of these , 18 per cent feel they are expected to take a bank 's advice without question .
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