Example sentences of "they [verb] in the same way " in BNC.

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1 Now what I 'm wondering is this : instead of thinking that staying put is natural , and then having to introduce a force of gravity — which then mysteriously pulls on everything to make them behave in the same way — why not start out by saying that falling is the natural thing to do !
2 Do they behave in the same way syntactically , or , to put it more accurately , do topics , like themes , have no syntax ?
3 They react in the same way whether the electric field is due to static charges or to a time-varying magnetic field ; under the force qE they rearrange themselves so as to cancel the electric field inside the conducting material as shown in Fig. 4.1(a) .
4 Careful descriptions of speech are necessary because people 's beliefs about their actual linguistic behaviour are often very inaccurate ; many people think they speak in the same way as they write but , in fact , no one does .
5 Mosasaurs , when not head-butting each other , were deep-diving sea hunters , and evidence of avascular necrosis in their bone structure hinted that they suffered in the same way as did human divers — they had frequent spells of the ‘ bends ’ .
6 Will they vote in the same way if their right to have a say is taken away from them ?
7 They operate in the same way as the lighthouse you read about on page 1 .
8 The couple worked at the same tasks as their staff , they dressed in the same way , educated their children at the same schools and ate in the same canteen .
9 If we actually , very quickly , which round the world was meant to be , erm , those of you which are familiar with other countries , what about women in , say America , Ashley , are , are they , do they participate in the same way as they do here ?
10 Okay , now I 've just used this one example , but if you look at erm each other and one another there is also a reflective pronoun to find that they work in the same way in the appropriate antecedents and it also works for quantifier pronoun relations every girl admires herself which is fine but herself admired every girl does n't make a whole lot of sense .
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